Title: The Feeling Pairing: Daniel Agger/Nicklas Bendtner Rating: R for the language Disclaimer: Can't be real, no matter how bad I want it. Summary: This man is always around. A/N: Prompt #04 (Spain), 117 words
Very well written. I like seeing Dan jealous of Nick/Cesc. I'm sure Nick is jealous of Dan/Nando or Dan/Martin.
There's no way Dan can get rid of this feeling, not even when he thinks that Nick is just a fuck buddy, just for fun, nothing serious... but there's just something wrong about it. That was my favorite. He can pretend they're nothing special but his gut tells him differently.
Comments 2
There's no way Dan can get rid of this feeling, not even when he thinks that Nick is just a fuck buddy, just for fun, nothing serious... but there's just something wrong about it. That was my favorite. He can pretend they're nothing special but his gut tells him differently.
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