Title: If this ain't love...
Pairing: Daniel Agger/Nicklas Bendtner
Rating: R for the language
Disclaimer: Umm... no, it's not true...
Summary: If you can't change the world change yourself.
A/N: Prompt #77 (What?, sequel to previous prompt fics), the last part of this series.
Another training is over. Another cold fall in Denmark. Once again a young Dane is freezing. And once again an elder Dane gently wraps his arm around his younger teammate.
It feels weird to look up to speak instead of looking down.
'You know it can never be the way you want it', says Dan seeing the disappontment on Nick's face. 'We're worlds apart'.
And as they're walking towards the warm and in a way cozy dressing rooms Dan finally realizes what he's actually trying to say.
'Don't worry', he whispers. 'It doesn't mean that I don't love you'.
Suddenly there's this strange familiar light in Nick's eyes. Hope. He can't help smirking and shaking his head.
'Then what does it mean?'
'That it is difficult to be together living so far away and meeting just a few times a year', Dan's smirk mirrors Nick's and that makes Nick understand.
No plans can change it, making Dan jealous won't help... Being mature will. It is love, and the rest doesn't really matter.
'If I can't have you for ever...' Nick shyly looks away and then back at Dan with an expression of pure lust on his face. 'Can I have you now?'
And when Dan nods it's Nick's turn to lean down and softly kiss Dan on the lips... on the neck... pull his clothes off... and then it's Dan's turn to want to be kissed, touched and fucked by Nick...