I Walk A Lonely Road The Only One That I Have Ever Known

Dec 21, 2004 17:23

Yeah a few more days til Christmas. In a way i cant wait. In a way i wish it wouldnt come. Its weird. I mean hell i know that just about everyone out there loves Christmas. This holiday kind of bothers me. Because my dad usually becomes a selfish asshole.. I mean.. He would go out and buy my brother and sister new things for Christmas.. i end up ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

Thought I was the only ione... ancoraacque January 11 2005, 16:13:58 UTC
Lol, I am a tomboy also Alyssa, and I never get hugged, and it pisses me off. I never get the attention that more 'feminine' girls get. Probalby why I'm still single as well. That and I am fat, but that's another story. TTYL


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