So I finally picked up Mass Effect on PC yesterday... I squeezed in a good evening and morning, and I gotta say that I really enjoy the KOTOR flavor blended with a nice shooter edge. The dialogue interactions are well rendered, and I hear there are boobs in it, so I'm sure I will enjoy the character development and storyline. In fact, the only
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But the story is that good. I think the combat is like combat in Buffy The Vampire Slayer: more there to break up the tension and keep things exciting than being the whole point of the experience.
Any advice?
I would say, don't waste your skill points on using all weapons. Pick either the Assault Rifle or Pistol, and focus on it and the shotgun; most of your fights will be close or medium range with the Soldier class. Bump up your defensive skills; your primary job is to stay alive, because eventually you will be able to resurrect fallen teamates, but they can't resurrect you. That last part is important if you're tanking; know when to retreat and let your squad take the bullets, because, it's OK if they die ( ... )
However, it is worth switching the ammo out on your personal primary weapon (pistol/assault rifle) to the anti-machine/anti-organic ammo, depending on what you're fighting.
You can usually just leave the "knockback" ammo on the shotgun, and leave your allies armed with either the freezing/burning/toxic ammo.
Damn, talking about this makes me want to play through a sixth time.
i played an infiltrator first time out and my fave backup was garrus and wrex. i rushed sniper development and spectre training. then focused on charm/intimidate and electronics. but then like inmostlight said, that was kinda useless. i just kept getting the same stuff OVER and OVER. i have so much money half way through that i just stopped checking stuff.
also, it TOTALLY should have been decent 3 with a scottish pilot.
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