My top Crews/Reese moments from Life
Season 1
Where (for those just tuning in) we meet Charlie Crews, a cop who has been released from prison after 12 years for a murder he didn't commit (with a settlement of $50 million to boot); and Dani Reese, a cop's daughter and a recovering addict. Charlie goes off the books to investigate who framed him, and his investigation brings him closer and closer to Jack Reese, who is a very very bad man, and also happens to be Dani's father.
(Merit badge)
Crews: So you wanna have the talk?
Reese: Which talk is that?
Crews: About how you didn't want me as your partner and you're looking to transfer out as soon as you can?
Reese: No, don't wanna have that talk.
Crews: You wanna have the talk about what you did? Who you pissed off to get partnered with me?
Reese: I was handed a piece of paper, it said you were my new partner, it didn't say why and I didn't ask.
Crews: Getting stuck with me isn't exactly a promotion for you.
Reese: Detective it might be a habit of yours but I don't wanna have the 'what are you in for' talk either.
Crews: Not a big talker. See, I learnt something about you already.
Crews: You don't have to understand here to be here.
Reese: That's zen.
Crews: Is it?
Reese: That's zen too.
Crews: Is it?
Reese: Say is it one more time and I'll shoot you.
(as hot as that shower scene is, it's way too dark to cap well - so
watch it here)
Crews: Hey. You wanna talk about what happened back there? The drugs. The shower... [she keeps walking] We don't have to talk about it. We never have to talk about it.
(The Fallen Woman)
Roman: How's that rehab working for you? Downtime's the hardest. You have nothing to do. Your muscles get all twitchy. You can taste it in the back of your throat.
[Crews stops. Suddenly things make sense]
Reese: Shut up.
Roman: All the way down there in the back of your throat.
Reese: [starts to tear up] Shut your mouth.
Roman: You got hooked, going undercover. Took a junkie lover too. Whatever happened to him?
Crews: [slams down his fist] You look at me when you talk.
Crews: When Roman said those things. Did you wanna shoot him?
Reese: Yes.
Crews: Me too. Did you see yourself shooting him?
Reese: Yes.
Crews: Me too.You lost your faith because of the guy not the drugs.
Reese: My faith has been gone so long I can't remember when it was that I lost it. Or if I even had it.
Crews: You need some help.
Reese: Just make sure I don't fall. All I needed was a moment. That's ah, that's zen. Isn't it Crews? Isn't it? That's zen.
(Serious Control Issues)
Davis: Do you want to request a new partner?
Reese: No ma'am.
Reese: Can you imagine living like this?
Crews: Don't have to.
Reese: Right
Crews: Because of the whole prison thing
Reese: Right. Copy that
Crews: About your dad.
Reese: Yeah let me make this easy on you. I spent my childhood trying to work out if my dad was mean or just plain bad. And you. I don't really understand you. I don't really like you. But you're not one of the bad guys. [long silence] If I had your money I'd be on a beach somewhere. How come you're not on a beach somewhere?
Crews: Do I look like I tan?
Reese: I didn't know they made them that small.
Crews: It's a personal pineapple.
Reese: All right, I have to know. What's the deal with the fruit?
Crews: Do you know what you eat in prison?
Reese: Crap.
Crews: Crap. No fresh fruit. Ever. I missed it.
Reese: I don't think it'd be fruit that I'd be missing.
Season 2
Where Lt. Davis is replaced by Captain Tidwell - who starts having a fling with Reese - and Reese gets picked to be on an FBI taskforce, who ask a hell of a lot of questions about Crews. Crews and Reese temporarily suspect one another of murder (which, surprise surprise, was when I started shipping them as more than just friends. Because angst) before they decide to trust each other for good, and Crews has to save her to discover the truth about the conspiracy.
(Did you feel that?)
Reese: [plugs his headphones into her ipod, interrupting his zen recording] You having a moment? I know every moment is now, but now we're ten minutes late.
[mild earthquake]
Crews: Did you feel that?
Reese: Does someone always have to say that? I'm standing right next to you. Yes, I felt that.
Crews: It was an earthquake.
Reese: It was a tremor.
[a bigger, longer earthquake. Buildings shake. Car alarms start going off. Crews and Reese awkwardly try to keep their balance]
Crews: Did you feel that?
Crews: All the other cars were away on quake patrol?
Reese: Yes Crews that's right.
Crews: Besides my car goes faster.
Reese: Yes Crews that's right.
Crews: But why are you driving?
Reese: That's one of your zen questions right? One you don't really want an answer to?
Crews: Maybe you should ah, button up a little?
Reese: Button up?
Crews: Well we're going into a building full of violent ex-offenders. You ever see that cartoon where the wolf is looking at the lamb but what he really sees is lamb chops?
Reese: [scoffs, but buttons up] Lamb chops
(Black Friday)
Reese: Crews. Did you... go shopping?
Crews: It's Black Friday, Reese. Everything's on sale. Man my dogs are tired.
Reese: I thought we were supposed to find out what else is going on here.
Crews: Oh I found out a lot of things. For example I found out you really can't get everything on everything with a stick. I found out you can get papaya which some people think tastes like barf, but I don't. The girl with the bubbles told me you shouldn't wash your face with soap. Did you know that? All my life I washed my face with soap. Guy in the bookstore, he told me I could learn Dutch in four days. Four days, Reese. By Tuesday, what I'm saying to you now, I could say in Dutch. The woman at opticals said that with the shape of face you have, you should be wearing these frames. [he holds out a pair of sunglasses] Put them on.
Reese: [looks taken aback] How does she know the shape of my face?
Crews: I described you. By Tuesday I could describe you in Dutch. Put them on. [Reese does.] She was right, they do look good. [Reese smiles] You're what they call a pinched ovoid. [her smile disappears] Don't take it personally. Did you get me anything?
(Evil... and his Brother Ziggy)
Reese: They only had one room?
Crews: The hotel isn't even offically open yet. We were lucky to get it.
Reese: I'm... I'm... taking a bath.
Crews: See you're already indulging yourself. It was just as the taxi foretold. Hey do you want the bed nearest to the bathroom or the bed nearest the door?
Reese: I don't care!
Crews: Girls like the bed closer to the bathroom, right?
Reese: I DON'T CARE!
[the phone beside the bed rings. Crews picks up]
Tidwell: You wearing those little purple panties? Oh wait you can't be wearing them, because you left them here and I have them right in my hand... [Crews quickly hangs up]
Crews: [the phone starts ringing again] Phone's ringing!
Reese: Well can't you get it?
Crews: I don't think I can. Phone!
Reese: Oh what is wrong with you? Is everything with you always something? Is it a zen thing you can't pick up the phone? [answers]
Tidwell: Hey why'd you hang up on me? I was just talking about your panties.
Reese: I didn't hang up on you, I was just... [realises] Let me call you back.
Crews: [nervous] First of all I just want to say I'm very happy for you. You're opening up, you seem to be you know, admitting love or something like love. Reese. Say something. Reese.
Reese: I've made up my mind. I'm taking both beds.
Crews: Where am I gonna sleep?
Reese: Crews? Crews, are you here?
Crews: Yeah I'm here.
Reese: Well what do you think? Do you think it's a good idea?
Crews: [has no idea what she's talking about] Yeah I think it's a good idea. I think it's a great idea! I think it's a very bad idea.
Reese: You weren't listening, were you?! The one time I actually tell you something and you weren't even listening.
Crews: What were you saying?
Reese: Just forget it. It's not important.
Crews: Oh it is. If it weren't important, you wouldn't say it's not important. And it must be pretty important for you to say it's not important.
Reese: Okay! I'm thinking about taking the Lieutenant's Test.
Crews: I think that's a great idea. It means you're in a confident place in your life, ready for what's next. Hey - [Crews grabs her arm] Reese I'm happy for you.
Reese: [looks down] Are you touching me? [Crews quickly lets go]
Reese: Big house.
Crews: Oh that's right you've never... been here before. Yeah it is big I guess.
Reese: Well I'm going to go get back to those Russian killings and you can't come because you...
Crews: Shot my father.
Reese: Yep. Yepp.
Crews: You drunk?
Reese: Uh, I told Tidwell I drank because ah...
Crews: Things were going too well? It's not why you drank, is it?
Reese: I need--
Crews: To know something.
Reese: Okay don't finish my sentences like I'm one of our suspects.
Crews: Okay, you finish it.
Reese: I need you to tell me what you know about my father. What he's done.
Crews: Are you sure?
(Shelf Life)
Crews: Hey Reese, you said something nice about me to Tidwell?
Reese: No I didn't.
Crews: You know Reese, with distance, you're appreciating me more. [she hangs up] Reese? Reese? Oh that's just rude.
Bobby: [walks in and sees Crews talking to himself] You know she's not here, right?
Crews: What are these?
Amanda: These are the photos I took off Mr. Raybourns' computer. Haven't fully processed these yet.
Crews: Who took these?
Amanda: I don't know. It's possble he was employing secondary security.
Crews: There, that one. Go full screen on that one. Closer.
Amanda: Is that... Dani Reese?
[Crews says nothing. He looks like he has lost something unimaginable]
Crews: How long have you been married?
Bodner: Twenty years. Still love her.
Crews: Where'd you meet?
Bodner: In the Bureau. We were partners.
Tidwell: Detective Crews, you go get her.
Roman: You for her.
Crews: Me for her.
Reese: Crews. Crews.
Crews: Just breathe.
Zen recording: What we learnt as children... that one plus one equals two... we know to be false. One plus one equals one. We even have a word for when you, plus another, equals one. That word is love.
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