Title: I'm Not Done
Pairing: Eric/Sookie
Rating: PG
Summary: For the first time, she experienced what it was like to have Eric hate her, and it ripped her raw. True Blood fic. Post 4x09 "Let's Get Out of Here." 3,719 words.
canciona you are to blame for this! My Eric-gets-his-memory-back story.
Sookie knew the moment it happened, because a glimmer came back into his eyes )
Comments 15
I miss Eric kicking ass.
I'm looking forward to tonight's episode! I hope he gets badass again.
That being said, you've so easily tapped into the subtleties of this potentially melodramatic situation. And I love it! I mean this when I say that the scripts these days could benefit from the type of insight and nuances you bring to life in this. How does one get into tv writing, Em...have you ever considered..?
Um, anyway, I JUST READ SOME THINGS. AND NOW I'M NOT SURE I WANT TO WATCH. I'm downloading right now...
I hate that I'm not overtly excited about watching this show, anymore.
Hmm. Its such a shame about Australian tv. And your lecturer being bitter. Way to encourage new writers! How is your writing/uni going, anyway?
Will there be more? I really hope so!
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