I think this is probably the best finale the show has ever done, but it wasn't because of the Bill/Sookie/Eric parts, that is for sure. They were pretty damn passive this week, aside from the Nan killing, which was in Sookie's name and thus still kind of lame, because they killed Nan. They kill off all the best vampire leaders.
That break-up scene was so cheesy and funny my Sookie/Eric interest died. DIED. And it's going to take some serious assholery from Eric to bring it back again. Going into season 4, I can't say I expected that to happen. During that scene I had my hands over my face I was laughing so much and I think, think, I was supposed to be sad? I mean, it was fun in an absurd kind of way. Just, why is Eric so... wussy and desperate around Sookie now? Where's the heat? The witty repartee? Did Bill and Eric really need to be wearing matching dressing gowns in that scene? Are we actually in a porno? (Can't even comment on the abruptness of Sookie and Bill and her forgiveness and the writers not distinguishing between Eric's necessary lies and Bill's so not necessary ones in s3. Really can't. What a wasted opportunity this storyline has been). Sookie is the worst three-way breaker-upperer ever, btw. She gave both of them serious false hope before cutting them down in front of each other, and it was mean.
But who would have thought Eric and Bill would become BFFs because of this?! ("Excuse me? We're feeling a little crispy up here"). Their mutual irritation when Nan called them puppy dogs over Sookie made that break up scene almost worth it.
I still really miss the aloof Eric who didn't give a shit about Bill's authority, who didn't throw himself at Sookie, and who didn't make Pam cry. The guy who tried to have Bill killed because he was inconvenient to have around and just didn't get there in time. I hope the two of them turn their backs on Sookie next year and return to their former badassery (and Eric stops kissing Bill's ass, because I'm all for their friendship if they get rid of that). They're both infinitely better to watch when they're not mooning over Sookie. (Yes, they have passed the Bill/Sookie curse onto Eric/Sookie as well. God damn it.) They should be more pissed at her for screwing them around.
Speaking of Nan ("Hi Nan. And gay stormtroopers"). If the Authority ordered a hit on Eric and Bill, and Nan is now a puddle, does that mean Bill will be dethrowned? Aw. All mourn King Bill. His bestest version of himself. I'm guessing Eric and Bill will join forces with the other sheriffs Nan alluded to, the ones who are against the Authority, and that will be their arc for season 5. I must admit this doesn't thrill me...
Really enjoyed everything else. Holly can feel free to stick around forever. Jessica and Jason are hot enough to compensate for Eric and Sookie's complete and utter lameness, though I don't see them lasting for long (I appreciate that the show is acknowledging the unhealthiness of their relationship). Poor Hoyt in the meantime. Sookie's gone to a dark dark place. She was pretty likable this week, the above scene nonwithstanding (Eric and Bill seem to drag her down too... that is not good). I'm not 100% convinced Tara's going to stay dead, but if she does I might actually be upset about it (I know right, who knew?). Jesus's death was unbelievably sad and if Lafayette loses his cousin on top of that, well...
What else?
I literally don't care what happens next season as long as I get plenty of Russell and Steve Newlin. Preferably together. Praise his light.
And now, we return to our regularly scheduled programming. It's been interesting.