Nov 02, 2012 19:26

What is allowed?
- Any rating
- Any pairing that involves characters from Teen Wolf and/or Teen Wolf RPF
- Gen, (fem)slash and het content

What is not allowed?
- Non-Teen Wolf pairings
- Text-based works in a language other than English
- Previously posted fanworks

How exactly does this work?
When you sign up, you list five pairings (or five characters) and are then given a 5x5 card with 24 randomized prompts, and the five pairings/characters listed at the top in headers. You'll create a fanwork incorporating both a prompt and the pairing that's above it, continuing until you create a pattern to qualify for a bingo!

How many pairings do I have to sign up with?
You need to sign up with five different pairings for the challenge, no more, no less. Threesomes and moresomes count as their own pairings (so Danny/Stiles and Danny/Stiles/Lydia are both unique pairings). Pairings with four or more participants can be classified as "Pack" if you desire. Pairings can be a mixture of Teen Wolf and Teen Wolf RPF, but all participants must come from one or the other (ie, no pairing crossovers with other fandoms). "Gen" can count as one of your pairings.

I don't write pairings, I only write gen! Can I sign up?
Absolutely! Request an all-gen card and list five characters in place of the five pairings. Platonic pairings can also be used (ie, Scott & Stiles), with the fic focusing on the non-romantic relationship.

What constitutes as "gen"?
Some people view gen in different ways. For the purpose of this challenge, we'll be using fanlore's definition: A fanwork that contains no romantic or sexual content. Vague mentions to canon couples are fine if necessary.

I find a particular prompt triggering. What do I do?
You're allowed to veto out up to five prompts before you sign up. If you need more vetoed, please message transfixeddream and I'll work with you to find a card that suits your needs. If you only notice a prompt after it's been assigned to you, message me and I'll replace it.

What counts as a fill?
Bingo squares can be filled with fic, art, icons, recs, picspams, videos, podfic, fanmixes, or meta.

What are the fill requirements?
To keep the amount required to complete a fill consistent, the minimum requirements for a fill to count are as followed:

Fic - 500 words
Meta - 1000 words
Art - medium sized (400x400 pixels)
Icons - set of 10
Recs - 10 recs
Podfic - 500 word fic
Picspam - 20 pics
Video - 30 seconds
Mixes - 10 songs

Obviously, you may do more than that (we encourage you to do more! :D), but no less.

Can I write a series?
Yes, but each fic within it can only be used to fill one prompt space on your card.

Can I write prequels/sequels/timestamps/etc to my pre-existing fic?
Yep! Please try to keep the fic general enough so that it can be enjoyed without reading the previous fics, however.

What are the rules for recs?
- Don't rec fanworks that have been used as fills for teenwolf_bingo!

What are the rules for podfic?
- If you're reading a fic that is not your own, please get the author's permission prior to recording and posting.
- When posting to the community, please include a link to the original fic, as well as a link to download the podfic.
- You may record a fic that was written as a fill for teenwolf_bingo, with the author's permission, of course.

What are the rules for fanmixes?
- Mixes must have a minimum of ten songs. They must be uploaded to mediafire, minus, or any other long-term hosting site. Please put them in a .zip file.
- While cover art is optional, you must include a track list with an explanation of how each song fits your prompt.
- When posting to the community, do not link directly to the download. Rather, link to your LJ, AO3, etc post with the tracklisting and download link.

Are alternate universes/canon divergences/etc allowed?

I have something posted previously that fits one of my prompts, can I use it?

I have something done for another bingo that also fits one of my teenwolf_bingo prompts. Can I use it for both?
As long as it wasn't posted before you signed up for your card, definitely. However please also check with the other bingo community to make sure that they allow it as well.

I dislike my card and want a new one. Can I change it?
To request a new card you have to finish at least one bingo on your current one. Fill out the bingo you're most comfortable with and request a new card to play with! If, however, it's a matter of triggering material, please contact transfixeddream to get it sorted out.

I've submitted a line bingo and now want to do a blackout, can I just fill the missing squares?
You'll have to create new fanworks for the squares you already posted.

I've completed a bingo but I want to continue playing with my current card. Can I do this?
Yes, absolutely, as long as you're making new fills for the previously used prompts.

Can I make a fill that covers several squares at once?
Unless it's for bonuses, nope. You are of course free to include as many prompts as you wish in a fill, but each fill can only count for one square.

How much do I have to focus on the prompt/pairing?
Both your prompt and pairing/character should be major players in your fanwork. Basically, both should occur more than just a passing mention.

Are other pairings allowed in the fanwork?
Absolutely. However, the focus should be on the pairing that you're writing for the square. (ie, a Derek/Stiles fic based on fire should not have the main focus be on Lydia/Jackson.)

What is a wild card?
A wild card is the center space where you choose a prompt from the masterlist of prompts. You still have to do fanwork to fill the space, you just get to choose what the prompt will be.

How is scoring going to work?
As you post your bingos/bonuses, you accumulate points. After so many points, you win cool trophies! Designed by maichan, you get a bronze trophy when you reach 500 points, a silver trophy when you reach 1500 points, and a gold trophy when you reach 3000 points.

I have a question not answered here.
Ask away in the comments!


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