Aug 05, 2012 17:21

Please read this before commenting to any newsletter edition and please leave any feedback, questions or watch requests at the links found at the bottom of the page.

What exactly is teenwolf_daily? Is it like one of those all_whatever comms?

Teen Wolf Daily is a daily fandom newsletter for MTV's Teen Wolf that compiles links from a variety of fandom activities and information. We don't post fanworks or news directly to the comm and we are not a rec comm.

Our editions will include all the fandom related links we can find since the previous edition that meet our given criteria. While this is primarily for LiveJournal users, we will code tumblr items as long as they are crossposted to one of our watched communities on LJ. We do not link to Dreamwidth. We will also post links to AO3 fics if an author requests us to do so or they show up on our AO3 RSS feed, provided they meet our criteria.

This comm is awesome! Who codes this thing and how can I be a part?

teenwolf_daily is coded by a dedicated group of Teen Wolf fans who have volunteered their time and effort into making the Teen Wolf fandom a better and more organized place. Basically, they kick ass. :D

As the coders' personal lives change so do the needs of the newsletter, so we will post any open permanent or substitute positions as needs arise.

How do I submit something to the newsletter? And what if I only post my fic to AO3?

1) Crosspost! Our team of coders code exclusively off of watched Teen Wolf communities on LJ and fanworks tagged as either Teen Wolf or Teen Wolf RPF on AO3 to code their editions. If your fanwork/news is on any of these comms or tagged appropriately since the last edition of the newsletter and you meet our header requirements (see below) you are set.

2) If you do not crosspost or were inadvertently left off of a night's edition, comment to that edition and you will be added to the next edition. Keep in mind, you have to meet our header requirements and be posted/crossposted somewhere on LiveJournal or tagged appropriately on AO3 to be added. We will add you to the next edition rather than the previous, because most people will only check the newsletter daily, so it actually helps you to catch anyone who has already looked at the previous edition.

3) Because a large majority of the Teen Wolf related fanfic is indeed found on AO3, we have setup an RSS feed to capture fanworks tagged as Teen Wolf and Teen Wolf RPS on AO3, also authors who post fic exclusively on AO3 but inadvertently get missed may comment to the latest edition and we will add your fic to the next edition! Just make sure you include everything we need to code in said comment. Title, Pairing (or Gen), and Rating. All AO3 links will be preceded by a
symbol on the newsletter so that readers know they will be taken offsite. **We will also now include art links to tumblr upon request, items will be preceeded by

At this time we do not link directly to Dreamwidth or any other hosting site.

What do I need to do to get linked in an edition?

Create or offer one of the following based on or around Teen Wolf:

° fanfic
° fanart and icons
° screencaps
° fanvids
° fanmixes and podfics
° new communities
° challenges and memes
° meta
° news

Fanwork Guidelines:

°ALL FANWORK MUST WARN FOR SPOILERS!!! See our profile for our exact Spoiler Policy.

°Because of varying country legalities, we will warn for anything labeled specifically as Underage in the author's/artist's warnings. Also do to the visual nature, we will warn for any fanart that is NSFW (Not Safe For Work) viewing.

°HEADER REQUIREMENTS.All fics, art, and multimedia must have a header and include at least ALL of the following:


°For Gen fics, they must be labeled clearly as Gen or state no pairings. Traditionally Gen means no romantic or sexual pairings, as such anything labeled as M/M, F/M, Derek/Stiles, etc. Anything with both or pre-pairing will be coded as a pairing. Coder discretion.

°Pairings must be clear. Anything with an -ish, if you squint, implied, etc may be skipped. Coder disretion.

°Rating: We use both the MPAA and the AO3 ratings systems. Optional for art.
General Audiences (G)- this content is suitable for anyone: kids, teenagers, sensitive people.
Teen And Up Audiences (TA)- The content may be inappropriate for audiences under 13.
Mature (M) [Adult!]- This is for content with adult themes (sex, violence, etc.) that isn't as graphic as explicit-rated content.
Explicit (EX) [Adult!]- This is for porn, graphic violence, etc.

as well as the MPAA ratings system:

G: General Audiences- all age groups, vanilla in every kind of way
PG: Parental Guidance- no explicit mature themes at all, minimal swearing.
PG-13: A grey area between PG and R, non explicit mature themes may be discussed but not shown and more moderate swearing
R: Some explicit mature content- use caution
NC-17 or Adult: Extremely explicit- NSFW material. Not for anyone under the age of majority!

°Anything rated as K, PG-15, Teen-ish, etc. will not be coded.

°We do not go by Community names or tags for pairing, gen, or rating purposes, they MUST be clearly labeled in the header. Coder Discretion.

°Fanfics must be behind a cut.

°No Drabbles, fics must exceed 500 words to be included. We also do not include Drabble collections.

°We do not code any http addendums: cutid, style=mine, style=light. All links will lead to the root link so that any further header or warnings may be seen.


°Art pieces must use a teaser/thumbnail images if over 400 pixels wide. (LJ)

°Artwork must be clearly identifiable as Teen Wolf on sight and contain at least one recognizable actor or character from the show.

°Art, Icons, etc may or maynot have a rating, but we will not code anything NSFW without warning for it. Artwork must contain all other items in the header requirements as stated above.

°Art will be labeled as to what kind of medium they represent. Traditional (pencil, water color, colored pencil, etc), Digital (includes digital drawing/painting), Manip, Graphic, Crafts, Cosplay, etc.

°We reserve the right to change these rules at anytime and coders have discretion whether to skip something at anytime.

*Any additional information is perfectly fine.*

Where do you get the links that make up the newsletter every day?

We have a journal, twdaily, that watches Teen Wolf specific comms and journals. We also have an RSS feed for AO3 related works. We collect links from that journal's friends list every day and check the comments of the previous edition. I also personally follow the three largest Teen Wolf art groups (TeenWolfFans, Teen-Wolf-Fans, and MTVTeenWolf) on deviantArt.

If we have missed you or you would like to be included, please comment to the previous edition to get coded.

Can I request that you follow my comm or journal?

If you would like to be added to the Teen Wolf Daily watch list just leave a comment at our Watch List page. Any individual journals that cease to post Teen Wolf related fanwork/news or require F-LOCKING may be unfollowed.

I posted something a while ago that I'm just now crossposting to a community. Will you code me?

Unfortunately, not likely. Only new fanworks will be coded at this time. For our purposes, anything that is crossposted within a week of initially being posted to its original journal is considered new. We default to AO3 postings over LJ, so chances are if you crosspost there, we will include you regardless.

My piece is mostly Sterek but there are other pairings included, where will it be put? What are the 'Threesome/Polyamory' 'Multiple Pairings' and 'Other' sections?

We code by how you list the pairings in your header. If Derek/Stiles is the only pairing it will go in the Derek/Stiles Slash category. If it is Derek/Stiles and Scott/Isaac it will go in the Other Slash category. Scott/Allison will go in Het, all RPF (Gen, Het, and Slash) will go in the RPF category, Podfics will go in the Multimedia section, etc.

The Threesome/Polyamory section is for anything labeled directly as such or fics with three or more people in a given SINGLE pairing.

Multiple Pairing section is for anything that lists more than one pairing, regardless of how prominent one is over the others listed. For some reason Teen Wolf fandom tends to include every possible pairing in their header information. This becomes problematic for our coders to discern which Pairings are the main ones which are just mentioned or secondary, so in order to simplify this, we will use this category for any such fics. Coder Discretion.

The Other category is a catchall section that anything that doesn't fit clearly into one of the other categories, such as non human pairings (ie bestiality or automobile pairings.)

For the purposes of this newsletter, our categories will be:

° Fanfic: Derek/Stiles*
° Fanfic: Scott/Stiles
° Fanfic: Other Slash
° Fanfic: Femslash
° Fanfic: Het
° Fanfic: Threesomes/Polyamory
° Fanfic: Multiple Pairings
° Fanfic: RPF
° Fanfic: Gen
° Fanfic: Crossovers/Fusions
° Other
° Fanart
° Icons/Screencaps
° Podfics
° Fanmixes
° Fanvids
° Communities
° Challenges/Memes
° News, Meta, and Miscellaneous

*Derek/Stiles is separated due to its sheer size and so that other slash pairings don't get lost in it. As other major pairings become prevalent, we will consider making other sections as we have for Scott/Isaac.

How can I get my Fanart included?

Because I am the only one that has access to my DA Feed, I will be coding a weekly FanArt Friday post that contains the majority of fanart. If fanart shows up in our LJ or DW feeds, they will also get coded in the nightly editions.

For Livejournal, crosspost to one of the comms we watch like teenwolf_mtv or teenwolf_fanart.

Post to AO3 and tag it appropriately (be sure to include the tag fanart.)

For deviantArt, add your art to any of the three groups we watch: TeenWolfFans, Teen-Wolf-Fans, and MTVTeenWolf. [WEEKLY]

Tumblr is trickier because of the reblogging option, so I usually only code anything with a tumblr crosspost link on deviantArt, AO3, or LJ. I prioritize tumblr links much like I do AO3 because that's where the audience seems to be. [WEEKLY]

Do you link episode reactions?

In the News, Meta, and Miscellaneous section--- mostly on request.

What's your spoiler policy?

See the main Profile Page for the exact policy. But basically, if it has aired in the United States, it is no longer considered a spoiler.

I have a question that isn't addressed here or a suggestion, where do I put it?

For any suggestions, comments, concerns, or questions please comment to our Feedback Post. All comments are screened. Or you may always PM the mod, dephigravity

mod post, faq

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