To pay off my tiny debts and cover the cost of keeping my car on the road I'm starting two jobs on top of Uni, FAME! Rehearsals, Bible study and church... not to mention the various parties I got to AND THE MARDI GRAS IS THIS SATURDAY!!!!!
What the fuck kind of world is it where a uni student's parents earn $97 grand a year, yet are so
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Comments 2
Centrelink sucks teh peen
or to snot-nosed teenage runaways who feel the pressures of doing good in school, and trying to appease their otherwise commendable parents who do everything short of selling body organs to pay for their son/daughter's way through life, is "just too hard".
and when they finally give out money to honest, hardworking people, they fuck them over anyway. "Oh, you need our help? Cool. but you're paying for it in more ways than one."
I'm half tempted to pull a Michael Moore and just being an annoying tard with a camera, exposing their crap... Or as the folks on them internets put it: IM IN YUR OFFEEC, EXPOSIN' YUR SHENANIGANS!
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