"So the question is, is God a particle, or is He a wave?"

Aug 31, 2003 01:12

needing to be somewhere at 10:00, i set my alarm for 8:40. this was somehow clever...i thought about fixing it late last night, but then i decided i could hit the snooze button a couple times, or just change the time in the morning and go back to sleep. hahaha. no, i'm not awake enough to change times in the morning! but luckily i woke up for no discernible reason at 9:50 :)

to RVB. i'm a huge fan. i really am. what a good guy. also he always gives me tea :) i like having tea, while working. tea is good. [my sister keeps an electric tea kettle in her dorm room. this is probably a very good idea.] basically, the nightmarish templating & formatting into something standard-ish needs to be re-done. but, theoretically, it will be less nightmarish. i'm not in a very good position to say, because, admittedly, i foisted most of this off on my dad, last time we went through the rigamarole [with now-out-of-date material]. but in theory it'll be easier, because we already have a template, and we won't be trying to do all the things that would make sense and be easy, but aren't allowed. so that's [part of] the plan for tomorrow :)

and back, for conversation with Michael Meredith. MM is another good guy of whom i am a fan. he built the deck that's next to/behind my house, and was talking to us a bit about thoughts on rebuilding part of the fence while was demolished [personally, i like it being completely gone, but this is, admittedly, somewhat weird. it kinda looks like there was a fence there, and someone just yanked it out one day. surprisingly enough.] but also about various & sundry else -- art, craft, work, bronze casting, glass bangles, quantum physics, morality... mmm :)

and then off to shopping! with the little sister. i have acquired spiral notebooks: therefore i will be organized. by logical extension :) [the reallynice graph paper spiral notebooks continue their previous habit of existing only at F&M. but i got small graph paper spiral notebooks.] and black pants. because you can never have too many pairs of black pants :)

[though i faced a Dilemna when i found two (2) distinct pairs of black pants, and was forced to choose between them. because contrary to the assertion above, you can have too many pairs of black pants, and 3 classifies as "too many". this was your classic battle between the uber-Comfortable Black Pants and the Black Pants with lots of Features. {didn't know pants had Features? o they do. we're talking guypants, here. girlpants are boring as anything.} one of these Features, and new to me, was random strips of cloth at about the backs of the knees. Black Pants with Features ultimately lost, because i couldn't figure out what the random strips were for. but i'm highly intrigued.]

then! to pam's house, where we ate a hugecookie and heard tell of brian's adventures at RSI, and i interrupted obnoxiously a lot and tried not to be jealous. which i'm not. really :)
and i'm reassured that comp phys will not eat me, because brian will be there to make fun of me for being completely unfamiliar with linux and not having programmed in forever, and he will help me out, because he is a good guy, and we will rock out :) clearly.
i walked home, barefoot. [i should go running. yes. yes i should. but i don't actually have any shoes. so it's not my fault. really.] i like that pam's house is walkable :)

and dinner, half an xword [untrue to form, the top left was easy and the bottom right hard. so it's still mostly blank.], and more of 100 Yrs, which, at this rate (2 chapters/day) i just won't finish at all. so there will be lots more of that, tomorrow & monday.

garcia marquez, it strikes me, writes stories which are basically plot and description. and they have good plot and description. [well, there are the weird parts.] but what they don't have, at all, is character development. or, rather, there is no subtleness to character development. characters just do random stuff. and when they do something that is completely out of character with their previous selves, you know they must have changed.

Notre Dame sent me a cardboard tube containing a poster. It is not quite as cool as the SILVER cardboard tube i got from olin, but it is still a classy cardboard tube. Clearly, I will have to find some kind of use for cardboard tubes. [More subtly, I will have to figure out where to apply for college.]

somewhat unrelatedly, does anyone happen to know what's become of rufio, of late? and is he likely to be at disc? because i'm thinking that skimming October Sky on the bus tuesday morning is a good idea.

["on the bus??" you say? aye, indeed. i will be the Cool Senior on the bus. and sheila's friends will be freshmen :) and i will tell them all to do drama! and this will work! really!]
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