Title: After The End of The World
Pairing: Sungmin/Kyuhyun (my eternal bias)
Rating: R
Word count: 2051
Summary: In which love does not end.
A/N: Before anyone screams at me, I will tell you that this is sappy. And there's somewhat character death, as the title suggests. For
thundersquall and
themadcheshire because I love them.
I'll love you till the end of the world. (Only?) )
Comments 31
there is definitely tears in my eyes after reading this,
it's so tragic, yet beautiful.
There is so much adorable in this too,
even though the overall idea is so sad.
I really love this. ^^
kyumin are a beautiful couple, so even if they have to die, they die beautiful.
i hope this didn't make you too sad! .___.
thank you for reading, ♥.
it's so sad...and i don't want to die...
but omg...this wasso sweet and beautiful that i can't hate you for killing us all...
;___; i've been handing tissues to every single reader.
i tried to make this as painless as possible by making them all sweet and sappy!
thank you for reading ♥
I don't care that it's not YeWook because you know I love KyuMin too, and this just shattered my heart into a million pieces, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS DDDD: When I read it over for you, you hadn't written the last part, so when I read it here IT FUCKING SLAMMED INTO ME. ESPECIALLY THE LAST PARAGRAPH, OMG SOBBING ;______;
I love you and I love this though ♥ You need to write more, you hear me? More happy KyuMin, hopefully. *goes off to cry some more*
When I sent it to you, I couldn't finish the ending because I was torn between whether I wanted them to die or not. Then I figured that much that Sungmin = Superman to me, there's no way he'll escape death when the rest of the world goes. ):
I love you too, woman and I CAN'T BELIEVE I WROTE MIMIN. STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT. -gets andy (or do you prefer ryeowook? 8D) to wipe your tears-
THE VERY LAST PART KILLED ME T_______T GAH. TRISH ILY ♥ )))): even if you make me cry ;_____;
I love you too, magnae, and I'll never write death!fics ever again. It's bad for the heart. ): Run along for some idek!fic MiMin.
it's just really angsty.. sigh
i will attempt shameless fluff the next time.
thank you for reading though, and i'm sorry for all the angst. ):
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