Ouroboros 2.2

Feb 09, 2009 09:39

Welcome to another Ouroboros update! My apologies for the delay!

As stated, this update will be full of Lessa, because she wanted it that way! I have no clue why I kept this shot of her toddler transition...I swear her cheekbones aren't that pronounced in my game!

Robinton loves playing chess with his mom...but only because she's so gullible it makes cheating a breeze!

Seriously, he did this every five minutes!

Cimorene reached the top of the career, which apparently made for a crappy week!

As if in response to the promotion and/or lousy week, she transitioned to elderhood...I'm thinking there was Botox involved!

Perth also reached the top...achieving his LTW at the same time!

Lessa spam!

More Lessa spam...mid-tantrum is one of her favorite states!

Perth was there when Lessa said her first word..."Daddy!" He was thrilled!

Princess Lessa on her throne! She was the only one out of the three that ended up with all three toddler skills!

Menolly transitioned to teen and promptly rolled this want!

Sorry girl, I am not dealing with you being woken up every time someone calls the house!

She's a tomboy! Oh, and she rolled Knowledge with an LTW to become an Education Minister.

Menolly: Long hair is such a pain! Short is easy to take care of and doesn't fall down into your face when you're trying to kick the ball!

Cimorene still makes Menolly practice the piano...even though she obviously hates it.

She's rather be outside playing soccer or basketball. Sports are her OTH!

Menolly: Screw Miss America...I want to be Ms. Olympia!

Menolly: My hero is professional bodybuilder Nikki Fuller. One day I hope to meet her in competition!

When she's not working out, Menolly likes to work on her car!

Safety goggles are for wimps!

She may be old, but Perth still thinks Cimorene is hot!

Then it was time for Robinton to transition to teen! He rolled Family with an LTW of getting three of his kids through college!

He spends hours every day working on his list of Qualities of the Perfect Wife!

He's a straight A student.

Robinton: The best women are attracted to men with good jobs. If I want to get a good job I need to get good grades. It's simple.

Robinton: Just because I'm smart doesn't mean I can't be sexy too! Good looks plus brains means I can take my pick of the ladies!

Robinton: Hey, darling! Tell me, can you cook? How clean do you keep your place? Those hips look perfect for child bearing!

Robinton, honey, you might want to work on those romance skills a bit more.

And then there was Lessa...the princess!

Oooh! Are those elf ears? BRB...

Nope...no idea why I thought they would be!

Lessa's bedroom is promply redecorated to her specifications.

She also has a new wardrobe...she's the first Sim I've had that wears a different outfit every day!

She likes baking muffins...

...which, in keeping with the fact that she is a princess, are always cooked to perfection!

She is a bit squeamish, and after one lesson on the surgical dummy refused to go near it again!

The butler's a perv...

...but they keep him around because he bows to Lessa's every whim. Every time he makes a meal the first thing he does is walk upstairs and place a serving on the table on Lessa's balconey! After all...royalty never eats with the common masses!

Perth had to bribe her to do her homework.

Once she had the proper incentive, Lessa's grades quickly soared!

Lessa: Daddy, I got straight A's! Let's go get my kitty now!

Perth: Honey, Daddy is very busy today. I have to go to rehearsal. You know that opening night is this weekend.

Lessa: Who cares about stupid Swan Lake! I WANT MY KITTY! YOU PROMISED!

Perth: Now, Lessa, we'll get you a kitty tomorrow.


One guess where they're off to!

Perth: What about this one, sweetie? This one looks like a nice kitty!

Lessa: No! I want a white kitty! I want a Persian!

Perth: This one has Persian in it!

Lessa: No, Daddy! I want a white, purebred Persian with papers!

Lessa: And she needs to have a collar to match each of my dresses!

Perth: Yes, sugarplum.

The cat's name is Duchess. She's spoiled rotten. Nobody in the family will scold her at all (they're probably afraid of Lessa's wrath)!

Robinton: Great! What am I supposed to tell Ms. Marsten!? Um, Ms. Marsten, I'm sorry but the cat destroyed my homework! Like she'll believe me!

Sim-Goddess: Particle board, pieces of wood, a dowel, and a spring...how the hell did you extract all of that from Robinton's homework!?!

Duchess: Mrow! (translation: Pure talent you inferior human.)

Perth transitioned to elderhood in a quiet and dignified manner...well, as dignified as anyone wearing crotch-hugging tights can transition!

And then it was Lessa's birthday and time to throw the biggest, most amazing birthday party the universe has ever seen!

And...this is the end! Yeah, I know...so Legacy Bingo-ish of me!

I am now going to go spend the rest of my weekend playing the teens to adulthood so I can get the final update and heir poll posted!


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