Take It Easy
Supernatural gen
jeffathon...prompt #19 - John, Sam, Dean...Dean learns to drive. :)
Sam's too little to drive, at least that's what his Dad says. Dean's 13 and while that's not close enough to be legal, it's still older than Sam and since he grew 2 inches over the summer, Dean can actually reach the pedals now.
Sam slouches in the back seat with a scowl because someone's always telling him he's too little to do anything. And that 'anything' is usually something really fun. But when he catches a glimpse of Dean's face in the rear view mirror and sees the hesitation there, he thinks maybe he's glad to not be the one learning to drive.
Dean's never scared of anything, but his eyes sure are real wide and he's taking deep breaths like he's trying not to throw up, like that time he was sick with the flu on the way to Pastor Jim's and puked all over the backseat. Dad wasn't mad, but the smell stayed in the car for days. That's why there's a stash of plastic baggies under the seat now. For emergencies.
Sam's hoping this isn't an emergency.
Dad's talking to Dean in a low, patient voice. The kind he uses when they're doing weapons training, like he's afraid if he shouts one of them will misfire and shoot him in the foot.
He doesn't know why Dad's always so worried about that...it only happened that one time and those boots were really old anyway.
"Remember, easy on the gas, Deano." Dad says softly. "You don't want to scare our girl, now do you?"
"No." Dean says with a small, nervous smile.
"Right." Dad assures him, hand reaching across to point at something next to the wheel. "Now, you wanna put it in drive...that's the 'D' right there...good man."
Dean doesn't look so scared anymore, but his hands are still gripping the steering wheel so tight that Sam can see his knuckles turning white.
"Now, take your foot off the break and slowly ease on the gas." The car moves out onto the dusty road with a bit of a lurch and Dean shoots a apprehensive glance at his father. "It's something you'll have to get used to." John reassures him. "After you get the feel for her."
They creep along the road, the rumble of the engine familiar to Sam, even if the sight of Dean behind the wheel is not. Doesn't matter who's driving. He knows nothing's ever going to happen to him. Dad's teaching Dean how to drive, just like he taught Dean how to protect Sam when he's gone.
Sam hopes maybe one day he'll be big enough to drive. Then, he can be the one that takes care of them.