fail T.T *kicking myself now*..I'm late
mmhh but maybe not really..since it's still 4th of july here...
and I even failed to make a b-day banner for him .......><
just modified my old gif...*gomennn machuuu*
but god knows how much love I have 4 him..haaha...
a b-day post for my beloved one...
someone who occupies the very top space in my heart..
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Comments 17
huahahahahhahaa *lebay*
iyaaaa piye itu utang xDD heheheheehe
Klo gitu gimana kalo qta jadiin Brandon anak Tegomasu? XDDD
hehe..distracted by many things last night..
aduh..itu icon brandonnya imut kali....pgn tak cium..xD
hwa..stuju2...jd anaknya tegomama & massupapa ..duo imut emang anaknya harus imut..xD
Lucu kan Brandonnya? Secara gitu ortunya ja super lucu gitu.Nurun deh ke anaknya..hehe..
O ya tadi siang pas nonton Insert kan ngwawancarai Brandon tuh,ntah kenapa disitu dya trliat cantik!Kek bishie gitu deh. Bener2 anak tegomasu ya dya!XDD
hehe..dah lama gk prnh ntn infotnmnt/tipi lgi..brandon suka muncul d inftnmnt jg toh...
haha..yg pasti si brandon kayaknya lebih cowok drpd tegomama xDDD
gk sbr pgn liat jogedan dia lg xDD
I love the Gif Banner~!!!!:DDDDDD
ur using #masuperman hashtag too~!XDDD
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MASHUUUU~!!!:DDDDDDD *pretending it's not yet over* XDD
i really miss you~!!:DD now..we're both busy in school!!T.T XDDDDDD
huhu..I still want to spam #masuperman
T.T why...we always failed to trend NewStachi ><
this week is still massu'sbirthdaymodeon xDD
rally miss uu too xDDDDDDD....maybe I'll get more free time by the end of this month.....xDD
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