Title: The Heads of Langwidere
Author: Marci (
What you are breaking: Ozma of Oz
Warnings: Death
Rating: R
Claimers/Disclaimers: Nanda, Princess Langwidere, and Oz are property of L. Frank Baum. I'm just taking them out for a spin. A special thanks to
meinterrupted for beta assistance. You rock, woman. :)
They were coming for her. She'd killed the princess, and they were coming for her.
Nanda stood at the tower window as the sirens blared, a bloodied hand flat against the glass, slender fingers reaching for the lights of Ev below. The weight of ninety-nine sets of eyes, multiplied infinitely by every mirrored surface of the room, lay heavy between her shoulder blades. Something politely coughed in order to catch her attention, but she ignored the overture.
"You must finish what you started," one of them, No. 83, said at last. A low murmuring of agreement filled the room. "Finish it now."
Nanda's mouth curved into a smile, but it was mirthless and cold. She watched the rush of red-clad men in the street below, storming into the palace. "It's already done."
"Not yet," replied another voice. "You must dispose of us all."
She turned to meet their gazes, 99 of the late princess' heads, and could not help the way her own eyes widened in horror. "But -- it's over. I've killed her. You're free."
"We're all of us a part of her," No. 17 sneered. It was always the most hot-tempered and rash of them. Its black eyes glittered at Nanda hatefully. "She's not truly gone until we are."
"All of us," No. 47 agreed, its expression serene.
"Every last one," No. 22 said. "End our suffering."
"Yes, mother," said No. 100, the newest of the princess' collection, from wherever it'd tumbled after Nanda drove her knife deep into the princess' heart. "Please help us."
Nanda heard sound of men thundering up the winding tower stair, and she spun toward the door with a little wail of fear. "Do hurry," all of the heads began to urge her at once, but she found herself rooted to the spot, her heart clattering in her chest. "They're coming. Oh, please hurry."
But they were at the door. They had come for her.