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Apr 28, 2008 12:27

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1) Where was jedite333 born? Youngstowns
2) What color should scoggie dye their hair? she should go for the Sinead O'Conner
3) If jedite333 and animagus4080 were spliced together, what would be its name? Manflan McMeatpants
4) Would you ever date bleucitrus? definitely
5) Do russbloom and arceniks_girl go to the same school? I think he got out just before she got there
6) What planet should poke_g be from? a planet of lizard monsters fighting giant mechs.
7) How tall is losttheskyagain? she's a shorty mcshortface. Actually, she's moderately tall for a shortpants
8) Does losttheskyagain know poke_g? nope
9) Where was yaauie born? 84/85?
10) Is navalianqueen your best friend? sadly, no.
11) Are animagus4080 and arceniks_girl going steady? no
12) Does raquhelnseaelf have a crush on scoggie? never even met
13) Has rushterman dyed their hair? not to my knowledge.
14) What would you do if you found out nosfera2wb has a crush on you? be confused
15) Would betadynamic go out with nosfera2wb? as they barely know each other, no.
16) What exotic animal would navalianqueen like as a pet? Geddy Lee
17) One quality you find attractive in scoggie? that she can make me a sandwich.
18) Is brandon_hay a nerd? yes
19) If brandon_hay was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? the devious UNCLE SAM
20) Does geekbitch drink? yes?
21) Did geekette89 break up with you? never dated.
22) What is russbloom's favorite food? curb.
23) Would koper5322 and scoggie look good together? no. Koper can do better
24) Are koper5322 and endy_n_omni going out? no.
25) How would poke_g conquer the world? see number 6
26) How many monkeys could russbloom fight at once and win against? 10
27) If rushterman commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? me :/
28) What languages does navalianqueen speak? enough?
29) Does brandon_hay do drugs? he's a drinker, rarely nowadays.
30) What animal does arceniks_girl remind you of? KILL IT WITH FIRE
31) When did you last call koper5322? nevar
32) What video game does nosfera2wb remind you of? Lost: the Game
33) What comic book character would losttheskyagain be? Air Guitar Girl
34) Has arceniks_girl been to your house/dorm? yesh
35) What is scoggie's biggest flaw? DRUGGIE
36) Is genkaishihan single? nope
37) Is earthsfirefly_ a high school student? ...no?
38) scoggie's eye color? LAME
39) Is kdizzogg friends with animagus4080? yeppers
40) What would you do if rushterman died? extremely sad.
41) How would kdizzogg kill betadynamic? with kindness
42) Have you ever dated navalianqueen? no
43) What would koper5322 do differently in your shoes? lots?
44) nosfera2wb's hair color? brown?
45) Could you see jedite333 and earthsfirefly_ together? no.
46) Is geekette89 popular? idk
47) What is yaauie's favorite game? I don't know if he plays them, so I'll just say Battletoads.
48) Which president would koper5322 be likely to idolize? idk
49) If haddle_john and kdizzogg were siamese twins where would they be joined? at the ankle
50) What would kdizzogg give yaauie for his/her birthday? kindness?
51) What animal should raquhelnseaelf be combined with? a sea elf.
52) Does betadynamic have a big secret? yeah, he's gay.
53) Would you wrestle navalianqueen in jello? ...sure?
54) What word best describes koper5322? animated
55) Where would animagus4080 most like to visit? cucamanga.
56) What is poke_g allergic to? LIBERALISM
57) Thoughts on bleucitrus? she's awesome.
58) What would endy_n_omni think of yaauie? he's okay?
59) One thing you can't stand about genkaishihan? that she has a bigger penis than I do.
60) What is rushterman's shoe size? 11?
61) Is losttheskyagain in a relationship? nope.
62) What is geekbitch's favorite color? FAIL
63) Is genkaishihan related to you? no
64) If navalianqueen were hanging off a cliff, what would bleucitrus do? try and help
65) How long would raquhelnseaelf dating losttheskyagain last? ...that would be hawt... but it wouldn't happen.
66) Have you flirted with earthsfirefly_? no
67) Does rushterman go to your school? he did for a year
68) Does bleucitrus smoke? no
69) What song/movie would you recommend to navalianqueen? RUSH
70) Do you have jedite333's screenname? why yes, but he's never online.
71) If navalianqueen had a superpower, what would it be? the power to finally capture Geddy Lee
72) What flavor of jello would scoggie be? FAIL
73) Are animagus4080 and scoggie married? no
74) Is monkey_buttons a college student? yesh
75) Is geekette89 athletic? maybe?
76) What rank would rushterman have in a giant robot army? flesh box
77) Is endy_n_omni related to raquhelnseaelf? no.
78) If poke_g and betadynamic were spliced together, what would it be like? OH GOD, MY EYES!!!!!!
79) What is geekette89's favorite movie? idk
80) Do you think raquhelnseaelf is hot? yes
81) What do you disagree with monkey_buttons about? depends on how argumentative she was feeling that day
82) Which of your friends should losttheskyagain go out with? ...
83) Is raquhelnseaelf an emo? nope
84) Would you set up losttheskyagain and rushterman? no.
85) Is scoggie dead sexy? AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no
86) Do you have a crush on geekette89? no
87) Does arceniks_girl travel a lot? no
88) Does nosfera2wb have a dog? maybe?
89) How long have you known koper5322? a couple years online now
90) Is genkaishihan 1337? no
91) Would brandon_hay and geekette89 make a good couple? no
92) Is earthsfirefly_ introverted or extroverted? yes
93) What do you agree with poke_g about? apparently, a lot.
94) Would kdizzogg be a better ninja or pirate? ninja
95) Would you make out with geekette89? no
96) Where did you first meet nosfera2wb? Bethany
97) If betadynamic took over the world, who would be happy? meh, I'd be indifferent
98) If yaauie took over the world, who would suffer? The PC users
99) What mental disorder does arceniks_girl remind you of? EVERY
100) What is earthsfirefly_'s favorite band/artist? Picasso
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