+ _________i n t r o
name: Celena.
single or taken: Single.
gender: Female.
birthday: I forgot...
siblings: I don't have any. ._.
hair color: Blonde.
eye color: Blue.
shoe size: 7.
height: 5'9"
+ _________f a s h i o n s t u f f
where is your favorite place to shop: Home Depot. Or any nursering centers. :)
any tattoos or piercings: No.
+ _________s p e c i f i c s
do you do drugs?: No.
what kind of shampoo do you use?: Herbal Essesence.
what are you most scared of?: Nothing, really. ^^
who is the last person that called you?: A woman a gun. I don't know her name....
where do you want to get married?: That'd be nice. ^^
what would you change about yourself?: I'd like to have a better memory...
+ _________f a v o r i t e s
color: Green.
food: Salad.
subjects in school: History and English.
animals: Dogs, cats, rabbits...I love all animals. ^^
sports: Soccer.
+ _________h a v e y o u e v e r
given anyone a bath?: I don't recall doing so...
smoked?: No.
bungee jumped?: No.
made yourself throw up?: Oh goodness no.
skinny dipped?: Yes No.
ever been in love?: Mm, not quite.
made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: No.
pictured your crush naked?: Well...^_~
actually seen your crush naked?: No.
cried when someone died?: Yes.
lied: No.
fallen for your best friend?: No.
been rejected?: No
rejected someone?: No.
used someone?: No.
done something you regret?: No.
+ _________c u r r e n t
clothes: Dresses, T-shirts, anything easy to move around in.
annoyance: When people step on plants in my garden. -.-
smell: Tulips.
picture: This interesting one hanging in my room that looks like it has blood splattered on it...
book you're reading: The Secret Garden.
in cd player: Nothing.
in dvd player: Nothing.
+ _________l a s t p e r s o n
you touched: No one.
hugged: No one.
you IMed: No one.
you yelled at: No one.
you kissed: No one.
+ _________a r e y o u
understanding: I suppose. Though I can't quite understand how I got here...
open-minded: Yes.
arrogant: No.
insecure: No.
interesting: ::shrugs::
random: Yes.
hungry: No.
smart: In certain areas, yes.
moody: No.
hard working: Yes.
organized: Yes.
shy: At times, yes.
difficult: No.
attractive: I suppose. ^^
bored easily: No.
messy: Occasionally.
obsessed: Sometimes.
+ _________r a n d o m
in the morning i am: Getting dressed.
all i need is: Plants.
love is: Good.
+ _________o p p o s i t e s e x
what do you notice first: Eyes.
last person you slow danced with: No one.
who makes you laugh the most: Albel.
who makes you smile: Albel.
who do you have a crush on: Albel. ^^
who has a crush on you: I'm not sure...
+ _________d o y o u e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: Yes...
wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: No, though that would be an interesting experience. ((OOC: Hahaha. ;;>>))
wish you were younger: It would be nice to relive my childhood.
cry because someone says something about you?: No.
+ _________n u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: Never.
of hearts i have broken: Nobody's I hope.
of guys ive kissed: None.
of girls ive kissed: None.
of continents i have lived in: One.
of tight friends: None.
of cds i own: None.