Okay, so.
So Friday afternoon I took a shuttle to the airport, where I waited for a plane, and then I got on the plane, and then I got off the plane, and then I walked over to baggage claim, and in the doorway I saw a mysterious figure with a sign, and I kind of squinted, and the figure squinted back, and then I kind of rushed forward and there were hugs because HI NICE TO SEE YOU AT AN AIRPORT MISS KYRIELLA.
Aaaand then I glanced around and there was also a Devin! And an Ashley!
And a Sara. There was a Sara and we kind of just clung to each other for a million years and I drooled all over her leather jacket because I am the best girlfriend ever, clearly.
Oh right, and then I got my first kiss. At the baggage claim in O'Hare. That was a good time. \o/
BUT EVENTUALLY WE HAD TO USE OUR ACTUAL LIMBS AND GO TO THE SUBWAY STATION so we could sit around and Sara and I could flop on each other for almost an hour and hold hands a lot. Oh, and she gave me a TARDIS key to match hers and will match Reili's when she gets another one. And then there was more seat-snuggling. I think a dude on the opposite end of the car was glaring at us. It was a good time.
THEN WE WANDERED OVER TO THE HOTEL. And people were frantic over what to wear while I just kind of sat there in my not-jeans and my West Side Story t-shirt and watched Sara practice moshing in a corset. That was a good time too.
THEN WE FINALLY WENT TO GO GET IN LINE. And waited for only about two hours! It was cold and rainy and miserable so Ashley was a perfect human and wandered off to bring us dollar store blankets and ponchos. THEY WERE THE BEST BLANKETS TOO, ALL HIDEOUS AND DAY-GLO ORANGE AND ENTIRELY KILLJOY APPROPRIATE. There was a lot of body heat-snuggling. BUT THEN EVERYONE RAN OFF TO GO FIND SOMETHING AND ONLY ASHLEY AND I WERE LEFT IN LINE so we were just derping around, waiting for everyone to come back, when OH SHIT, LINE'S MOVING. And it was kind of moving before for no discernible reason, but now it was moving FAST, EVERYONE RUN, and there was some frantic texting and calling to get everyone to zoom back. THEN WE WERE AT THE VENUE.
AND IT WAS THE PRETTIEST FUCKING VENUE YOU EVER DID SEE, HOLY SHIT. It was like, all fantasy castle themed, with turrets and shit where the people who weren't in standing room only were sitting, and there was a disco ball and twinkly star-lights on the ceiling. Oh, and from the outside? It looked like the Desolation Row video. THAT WAS EXCITING.
So we all kind of squished ourselves into a spot (me, Sara, Kyrie, Ashley, Devin, and Devin's-friend-who-is-desfinado-on-Livejournal-and-is-incredibly-sweet!) and waited around for the opening band. One of the techs looked so much like Ray that people started cheering.
THEN THE OPENERS HAPPENED. First on was the Architects, who were...kind of precious. They had the whole black-dress-shirt-black-pants aesthetic that made it kind of obvious that they were a baby band, and they were pretty loud and not entirely coherent, but they weren't bad. They had some catchy stuff. I can see them getting somewhere.
So after that was NEON TREES. And oh my god, I'm looking these dudes up later, because THESE GUYS. Basically, Neon Trees is made up of a hot lady drummer, an adorable bassist, a guitarist with cotton candy hair, and FAKE TONY VINCENT. Yeah, the frontman (who also played keyboard I think, aaaaaa) was a hotass with ALL OF THE SHOWMANSHIP and a tendency to leer at the bassist. I like these guys.
(no, but seriously.
Tyler Glenn. Tony Vincent. Hilarity.)
So the crowd bounced a bit during their set, and we got a bit closer, but then there was a long lull once they were done. I was actually sitting on the floor at one point just to give my knees a break.
BUT THEN, AFTER FUCK KNOWS HOW LONG, THE LIGHTS WENT OUT, THE CROWD FREAKED OUT, AND THE BAND TOOK THE STAGE. And holy fuck, after that my brain just kind of fizzled out and I was running on autopilot. You can go to
Ashley's post for a full setlist, but I'm just going to make notes of THINGS THAT I REMEMBER:
-Frank knocking over his microphone during Na Na Na (THE OPENING NUMBER, SOB FRANK WAY TO MAKE A FIRST IMPRESSION)
-Mikey leaning over Gerard's shoulder to say his line in Vampire Money
-Mikeyway EXISTING. Jesus fuck, he just stayed in the center of the stage the whole time in his rocker stance and just BASS'D. And his hair's starting to grow long and he looks like Tommy Joe Ratliff and THE SPARKLEBASS and and and *________*
-Gerard's hair going from clean-looking nineteen-year-old-girl to greased-back and gross by the end of the show, just from his running his hand through it CONSTANTLY. I KEEP FORGETTING THAT'S NOT JUST A FANON QUIRK.
-Gerard HOWLING to open House of Wolves. I had no idea what he was actually doing until the guitars started to pick up. Oh, and Sara shouting "HOUSE OF WOLVES!!!!" at me.
-Sara singing Summertime at me, because she is the most precious of all girlfriends.
-Making out between (and sometimes during) songs \o/
-Freaking the fuck out when I started hearing EXPLOSION NOISES. Oh my god, you guys they still open Mama with explosion noises. Just. That is MY FAVORITE SONG OF ALL TIME and they played it and I was screaming along the whole time and when it got to the last bit I was screaming the secondary part because I am a giant dork and it was just so fucking POWERFUL UGH UGH UGH MYCHEM. I honestly think going to concerts is the closest thing I'll ever get to a religious experience, and this one was just. aaaaaaaa.
-Crying like a little bitch at Welcome to the Black Parade. I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO CRY AT SUMMERTIME. OR MAYBE MAMA. BUT NOPE. HAD TO BE THIS ONE. Sigh sigh sigh.
-THEY ENDED WITH HELENA. And I felt bad for not knowing the lyrics /o\
-BUT THEY DIDN'T END, THERE WERE ENCORES! Well, lots of shouting for one more song and then Dewees came out and just started playing SOME MYSTERIOUS SHIT on the keyboard. I thought it was going to be Save Yourself, but then Gerard came out and it was just him in the spotlight, and oh god I had to laugh because IT WAS CANCER. Seriously, I was giggling the whole time I wasn't singing along, and you could probably hear me at the big long pauses Gerard made. Sara glared at me.
-BUT FORTUNATELY THERE WAS ANOTHER ENCORE SONG AND IT WAS BULLETPROOF HEART. and and and gerard told us to never, ever stop runnning and oh my god this man this band this concert EVERYTHING. ;____________;
Then it was over, and we were all half-dead, and I'd had a stitch since I first started jumping during Planetary and was so out of breath that I'd been just mouthing the words by the end instead of shouting them, and Ashley lost her phone (BUT SOMEONE FOUND IT SO IT'S OKAY) and we all just kind of stumbled back to the hotel. Sara had worn heels AND she was sick AND she hadn't eaten so she was the most dead of all of us, but we snuggled a lot at the hotel so it was sort of okay after that.
The next morning, we took a train to Knox, and Sara and I spent most of the three hours clinging to each other and singing along to her iPod. When we finally got to our stop and started to leave, this woman who was sitting in front of us said we had good harmony. THAT WAS A WONDERFUL TIME.
Then we sat around in random areas of Knox and talked about the concert and our lives and food and Pretentious Art-verse and I met Grant-who-has-seen-Utada-Hikaru-live and then Ashley and Sara and I watched Tangled until 3 in the morning. Then we talked some more about HIMYM and other random things until Ashley kicked us out so we could make out until dawn. Which we did!
Then I had to go. And it was sad as fuck. And my toothpaste got confiscated by the TSA. At least I met a nice person who likes MCR and has seen The Used in concert on the train there?
I kind of just flopped over when I got home. And I am still flopping around aimlessly.
I need to go back next fall break. Not for a concert, just. To be back at Knox where all the awesome people are.