After hearing about Grawp...
After making the house team...
After a fight with Ginny...
Planning for the next match after a Gryffidor win...
(with, um, a random dot apparently)
Night before Quidditch Cup (it's Krum, if you can't guess)...
Wothcer, Watchers!
Well, ahem, here's the all drawing update.
Yeah. Apparently Ron learned to shade with
those pencils he stole from dear ol' dad.
Whatever, Ron. Haha.
As of Wednesday,
teh_weasle is 6 months old!
Awwwww! That's sort of a big milestone, huh?
Here's to many, many more months eh?
And has anyone else noticed that we're
just shy of 300 watchers? Wow. That's sort
of mind-blowing for me. Thank you, everyone.
I love you all so much for sticking with me!
Thanks loads!
Later-days, all!