"Psst, Harry!" Ron whispered as he pointed
at the back of his book, laughing quietly.
Harry leaned over Hermione, who sat between
the two boys, to get a good look.
"Ha!" he said loudly, and then pretended
to cough when Lockhart looked in their direction.
"This is not funny," Hermione harshly whispered.
"You two are going to get us all thrown in
detention. Knock it off."
"You're just mad 'cause you fancy him,"
Ron said and continued drawing.
Hermione glared at Ron, then whispered "Incendio"
and in a puff of smoke, Ron's quill was gone.
"There," Hermione said. "Problem solved."
Wotcher, Watchers!
Um, I really have nothing to say.
Wow. Crazy huh?
I've got a really boring week
ahead of me. Yarg. Might as well
start being bored now... *headdesk*