Wotcher, Watchers!!!
Look! A Poll!
Poll FAVORITES We haven't done a poll in a long while, so I figured
it was time for one again. They're really helpful for
me because even though I've got all the books laying
around to give me inspiration, I still run out of ideas
once in a while. It happens. And if we want this thing to
last past its first birthday, I need some input. Plus, this
thing is all for the watchers. I'd like to think you guys are
happy with what I'm posting and if those posts were built off
ideas for all of you, then I know I must be on the right track.
So thanks for doing the poll and thanks for sticking with me.
And now for a random bit of art-stuff.
I know I've mentioned my extreme dislike of Snape, but he was the
only thing I could think of drawing, so there you go. Whatever, haha.
I'm not overly happy with his beak nose.
BUT WHATEVER. I need to get to bed, haha. Later-days all!