Hermione had put Ron in charge of
getting the last ingredient they
needed for the Polyjuice Potion,
and as Ron was in the process of
nearly mucking it up, he could see
her across the Potions Dungeon, face
in her hands and shaking her head.
"That was a very rare bottle of fluxweed
you have just broken, Mr. Weasley. Nearly
the whole thing is tainted now. That's
five point from Gryffindor and an essay
no less than 2 scrolls in length on the
properties of fluxweed and how it can be
enhanced by moonlight. Now clean it up,"
Snape growled at Ron, who was kneeling
on the ground to "clean it up" already.
After class, Hermione walked between
Ron and Harry down the hallway, looking
rather upset.
"Losing points and getting an essay
isn't really what I call 'not getting
caught', Ron," she whispered angrily.
"Yeah? Well, I got the stuff, didn't I?"
Ron said hashly back.
Hermione stared at him wide-eyed
and blushed slightly. "Oh. I...
I didn't think you had. Well
done, Ron. Um, if you'd like,
I'll help you with that essay."
Ron tried not blush himself.
"Yeah, alright then."
Wotcher, Watchers!
Well, that turned out
to be a lot longer than
I had intended. Hee.
Have a good week all.
I'm going to go try
and stay warm.