So this financial world is imploding,
Lehman is falling apart,
BofA is buying Merrill for corporate chump change and
AIG is next.
I'm next to naïve about this financial stuff ... can someone please tell me what this means for the U.S., the world and, most importantly, me?
Do I invest now? Wait a week? Never? Buy a house now?
What do I do?
Comments 4
Aside from that, I have no idea, although:
seems to be pretty good an explanation.
There are over 100 banks on the FDIC's "troubled list" (they don't publish it to prevent runs on the banks) so this probably isn't over by half.
A financial adviser I went on a few dates with said in August that he thought we were maybe 1/3 through the worst. Maybe we've seen the worst now, but maybe not.
NPR I find is a pretty good source of info on the financial crisis. That Fannie and Freddie needed a taxpayer rescue is a HUGE deal though. Everything I've read is saying we haven't seen the financial sector in worse shape since 1929.
So my advice is, brace yourself. Be glad you're employed.
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