And here comes the new layout ! Teehee. Gigantic kisses go to
dinadrama that rocks my socks with that Cassidy-scratching-his-arm layout (yes, I have a fetish for Cassidy arms and hands. Yes. I know. Shut up.). Overrides and stuff I worked on. Bitches they are.
ETA: *squee* !!
zsuness put that handwriting thing up on her lj and I loved doing it.
The fact is that it is not entirely wrong. Most of it is true, even. Gah. I'll put apart the confident thing, though. I'm so not confident it's scary. It is kinda boring, too.
You plan ahead, and are interested in beauty, design, outward appearance, and symmetry.
You are a shy, idealistic person who does not find it easy to have relationships, especially intimate ones.
You are diplomatic, objective, and live in the present.
You are not very reserved, impatient, self-confident and fond of action.
You are self-confident and like to bring attention to yourself.
What does your handwriting say about YOU? I may tag for this:
sadiekate, and
bennet_7. Dunno if they'll do it, but by all means, it's fun.