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Comments 8
When I calculated that total, I was like, "Well, there goes my new digital camera, shoes, earphones, and oh yeah, food..."
Basically my life necessities.
If you want to sit in on an additional anatomy lecture, anat 200 is T/R afternoons with Professor Begg in ETLC, and he uses the Martini text.
What about for 150? Do you think getting the recommended books would be effective at all?
Netter's anatomy flashcards -- I'm guessing that's totally something different from the list. Is it available at the U of A Bookstore?
Hmm, and what exactly does T/R mean? Lol, sorry, sort of a newb at the lingo.
And thank you again so much for posting this.
T/R refers to Tuesday and Thursday. Since its hard to separate which T means what the university uses R to indicate Thursday.
Netter's Flashcards can be found at the bookstore, and online as well. Check around for the best price, as the university bookstore is often more expensive then other sources. Yes you are right they are very different then the list. I have two sets, Anatomy, and Neuroscience cards. There are other flashcards out there but I don't have any personal experience with them. If you want to look at them while you are on campus they are usually found under the Anatomy section over by all the medical texts on the bottom floor.
Anyway, I was just wondering about the flashcards. How much do you think they helped you on a scale from 1-10; 10 being "I referred more to them than my textbook"?
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