So I saw "CSI: Edmonton" tonight at the dinner theater.
So funny.
Much Horatio bashing. Which made me happy.
Pretty much there's a convention in Edmonton which is going to be hosting Gil Gruesome's retirement party and roast (Gil mentioned retiring once, and this is what he gets). He attends the convention with Sara Sickle, and meets with an old colleague and flame: Abby Tchier (Pronounced: Tear). A murder occurs. Its the Moosejaw strangler's body. He's been strangled. Enter another CSI attending the roast of Gil Gruesome - Horatio Pain. And, to make Horatio bashers (aka pretty much everyone) happy, he says his dramatic line, pulls of his sunglasses then poses with a YEEEEEEAAAH as heard at the opening theme for Miami along with music. This is a running gag. Also to the scene: Mac Naylor. NYC top CSI.
Lots of country songs and funny jokes ensue, also including Gloria "Gold Lips" (party hostess) and Officer Erica Bergen (a bumbling security guard, very stupid - but in a funny way).
Now fast forward (so I don't spoil anyone who may see it in the next two or so months) to the best line ever. Remember the running Horatio gag? Well, Gruesome enters with a reply to something another character said. Dramatic line: "And the only difference between reality and fiction is that fiction is more real." Las Vegas CSI opening music ensues. And Grissom, all srs fais says: "THAT'S how the original does it!" What does he get? A roomful of 'whoops' and applauding, which surprised him. All he comes up with is a "SEE?!?"
Later, Horatio believes that he will be able to solve the case - using math. He has been proven to be exceedingly stupid (although very good looking, I must admit), Sara Sickle calls him on this and then he claims he saw it on a T.V. commercial (reference to Numb3rs). Gruesome tells him "That may be so, but you're not a mathematician". Horatio pulls out an etch e sketch and begins doodling (shown on above screen)
Alberta + Texas + Moosejaw (With moose antlers and such) + (a drawing of Gir from Invader Zim)
Lulz ensued.
Country songs (sung by the cast, music done by the band in the back) were used for the music and most were integrated fabulously. Food and service was great and I loved chatting with the characters (esp. Horatio and Gil) during the breaks. I can't wait to see the next show: Pirates of the North Saskatchewan 2, starring Jack Partridge.