I made a claim at
1sentence a week or so ago. I was going to post them Thursday, but I got stuck on two of the sentences, so I ended up putting it off. I actually had post of them done before my claim had even been accepted.
If any of you aren't familiar with
1sentence, the concept is to claim a pairing from a fandom (
1fandom and
1characterare alternatives if you don't want pairings) and write fifty sentences based on fifty different themes. It's rather fun, and it's fairly easy. It's also good practice for building up your writing skills.
It's also fun since you get to defy gravity grammar. (Eh eh... ^^; Wicked reference.)
Fandom: Arthurian Legend
Pairing: Lancelot x Guinevere
Theme set: Alpha
Rating: PG-13, some that boderline on R; some sexual references, but nothing graphic
Note: that these are based mostly on Le Morte d'Arthur and The Once and Future King.
#01 - Comfort
She puts her arms around him and holds him close, her lips pressed against his forehead; his sobs are muffled against her chest (“I forgive you” she whispers) and she holds him tighter.
#02 - Kiss
He presses the back of her hand to his lips (“Your majesty” he says, charming, eyes sparkling) and Arthur suddenly feels jealous, though he is unsure why.
#03 - Soft
His hands stroke through her hair, long and soft and graying, never suspecting that this would be the last happy memory they would have together.
#04 - Pain
It grieved Arthur to see his wife with another man, but even more so it would grieve him to expose his wife and to sentence the two people he loved most to death.
#05 - Potatoes
Dining with Iseult usually meant potatoes, as they were quite abundant in Cornwall; when they were served in Camelot, Tristram jokingly referred to them as “the food of lovers” and Lancelot and Guinevere had to stifle their giggles.
#06 - Rain
He hears the rain, slow and steady outside, and pulls Gwen’s sleeping form nearer to him.
#07 - Chocolate
She is sweet and oh, so delicious; he knows that he is sinning against both his God and his king, and yet he could never forsake her.
#08 - Happiness
She sits alone in the dark abbey, deep creases worn into her once beautiful face, trying to remember a time when she was happy (whispers of “Jenny” ring in her ear).
#09 - Telephone
The rumor had already circled the kingdom for years, and at last they gave in (“If people are going to be saying things about us anyway, why bother holding back?”).
#10 - Ears
His tongue traces the outline of her ear, and she giggles wildly.
#11 - Name
Never let it be said that it did not bother Elaine that Lancelot moaned the name of another in bed: each “Guinevere” was a slap in the face; each “Gwen” was a kick in the stomach; each “Jenny” was a stab in the heart.
#12 - Sensual
His feathered kisses on her neck, her dainty fingers on his chest, and both secretly wonder how long until they are found out.
#13 - Death
They were dying a little more each day-she and Lancelot, and Arthur as well-but she would never admit it.
#14 - Sex
She arches into him, moaning and feeling him in her most sensitive areas (and oh, how she loves to hear him scream her name); just for this moment she forgets everything else.
#15 - Touch
He tenderly touches her face; and when she says that everything will be alright, she believes him.
#16 - Weakness
Everyone had seen Sir Lancelot at his strongest, striking down scores of soldiers at a time as easily as a child could throw a rag doll; but Guinevere had seen him at his weakest, broken down and weeping profoundly as no one else had ever witnessed.
#17 - Tears
Guinevere was never a crier, never overly emotional, never frail like most women-and yet around him she felt as though she was.
#18 - Speed (to be read with 20 and 21)
The wind whipping at his face, his hands tight on the reigns as he races through the forest; he can only hope he will not be to late to save her.
#19 - Wind
Standing there she looked so beautiful, with her long, dark hair blowing in the summer breeze.
#20 - Freedom (to be read with 18 and 21)
She closed her eyes, awaiting the flames that would soon overtake her; this was the price of love, and soon she would be free.
#21 - Life (to be read with 18 and 20)
He watched his wife be led to the stake, ready to be burned; he turned away, telling himself that he would not cry, and that not to punish them would not be the unbiased justice that was expected of him.
#22 - Jealousy
Guinevere glanced at the child held in Elaine’s arms-his child!-and as he took the infant in his arms, she could not help but feel envious, not of Elaine, but of the beautiful boy borne to him (for he was the one Lancelot loved, not the girl).
#23 - Hands
The whole of Camelot took a brush of hands as sign of an affair; Arthur heard moans of pleasure from the Queen’s chamber and would not take it as proof.
#24 - Taste
She liked to think of them as Adam and Eve, for they had committed the great sin that lead to the ultimate downfall of Camelot, and sometimes she asks herself if eating of the forbidden fruit was worth all the death and despair.
#25 - Devotion
There were nights when he was alone, and thought of Guinevere; but more troublesome were the nights when he was with her, and thought of Arthur.
#26 - Forever
Arthur looked out over his kingdom, Lancelot on one side and Gwen on the other, and felt a sort of peaceful contentment wash over them.
#27 - Blood
It’s a small cut, barely even enough to draw blood; Lancelot reacts as though she has just been mortally wounded, and Gwen cannot help but smile at him.
#28 - Sickness
Guinevere cradles Lancelot in her arms, shushing him (“You’re going to be okay…” she murmurs) and Arthur paces furiously as if the world is ending.
#29 - Melody
He hums, and when Percival inquires the name of the song, he merely says that he heard the Queen humming it, and liked the tune.
#30 - Star
Her vibrant blue eyes shine like stars against her black hair, and with the moon on her shoulders she is lovelier than he ever could have dreamed.
#31 - Home
He returns to Camelot, and Guinevere embraces him.
#32 - Confusion
“I am not simply protecting my father, and I am not saying that I condone adultery,” Galahad replies, “only that you should not make accusations of something of which you have no solid evidence; you will only cause an upset at the court of Camelot-unless that is what you are seeking to do,” and Mordred doesn’t answer.
#33 - Fear
They embrace, tears streaming down their cheeks, and they know they will never see each other again.
#34 - Lightning/Thunder
It is storming outside, startling her in her sleep, and she snuggles closer to him, feeling safer for it.
#35 - Bonds
No matter how he sliced it, someone was in the way-between he and Lancelot there was Guinevere, between he and Gwen there was Sir Lancelot, between Gwen and Lance there was him; but, unlike the relationship of Tristram and Iseult and Mark, there was love between all members, and therefore all were hurt horribly and equally in the end.
#36 - Market
“I hate this…” she half-sobs (he wraps his arm around her), “I feel like a whore….”
#37 - Technology
Guinevere puts her head in her hands, trying not to cry; “It seems the more I try to make the kingdom happy, the more I end up making the lives of those who matter completely miserable….”
#38 - Gift
In each tournament Lancelot sported the ring of Queen Guinevere, and Arthur never failed to notice (“It means only that he is her favourite knight, and there is no sin in that”).
#39 - Smile
He loves her smile, bright and beautiful and warm; and yet it had been her tears that made him fall in love with her.
#40 - Innocence
“Come now, Lance-a knight like you, and you expect me to believe this is your first time?” she murmurs, and he blushes profoundly.
#41 - Completion
She takes his hand in her own, amazed at how perfectly they interlaced.
#42 - Clouds
Arthur cannot see, not because he is blind, nor because he is stupid, but because he does not want to see.
#43 - Sky
Guinevere watches the birds from her window, merry and free, with no one to answer to and no obligations; she wishes that she could live her life as they.
#44 - Heaven
As she lays in his arms, peaceful and sleepy, she can’t think of anywhere she would rather be.
#45 - Hell
“Hush, Jenny; you are not a wicked woman.”
#46 - Sun
Their love was concealed, saved until the dead of night when Arthur was asleep and no one was around to catch them; but sometimes, to hell with it all, Gwen longed to make love with him in the open for all the world to see, just so they could stop being afraid.
#47 - Moon
Her eyes in the moonlight, and God, how he wants her…
#48 - Waves
“I suppose someday I’ll realize why so many women are attracted to me” (she laughs at him).
#49 - Hair
He presses his face to her hair and breathes in her scent as she sleeps softly next to him.
#50 - Supernova
“I-love you,” he murmurs for the first time, awkward and low, and she knows that he means it.