If anyone's interested, snagged from
svgurl. :)
Comment and I will comment back with a picture of the fictional character that most reminds me of you. Then post the same in your journal.
And another one...
Comment with any ship (romantic or platonic or maybe even non-existent!) from a fandom that you know I have some knowledge about, and I will rant
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Comments 20
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I didn't know how OTP you used to be about Chlex until I saw your recent Chlollie finale picspam and so I got curious. They are a very interesting duo and I agree on all that you said about them, especially the "world dominating potential". The JL would be in huge trouble if she went evil. They should all be grateful that Ollie won her heart and not Lex (though I totally believe something happened with them during the summer between s3 and 4). ;D
That's because you've only ever been too nice to me ;P, so the feeling's mutual. But don't freak out, I assure you I don't find you perfect...that spot is reserved for Jensen Ackles :). If it helps, I'm pretty sure I've seen a slighty scary side to you when you're passionate/mad about something (...or when someone's late ;D). Yeah, hopefully one day! We can watch a Shahrukh movie. :)
Chlex is actually the reason I came into fandom. I was so crazy about them...I joined my first message board, lurked a little bit because it was all so new, and then finally interacted with other fans and made friends that I talked to for years.
(though I totally believe something happened with them during the summer between s3 and 4). ;D
Something should've happened between them! Chloe all alone in her safehouse, Lex visiting and being her only link to the outside world...it could've been so good!
Oh... and you know I love your Chlollie commentary. Gush away!
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Insulted?? Are you kidding? I love Q! My mom loves Q! Whenever my family's all together, whatever mood we're in, a James Bond movie is something we always agree on. Thank you for making my day now. You know, just like you, I'm not so good with accepting compliments. It's very, very easy to be there for someone as kind and supportive and wonderful as you.
For the second: Tell me about Ollie and his little boy. :)
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