okay i normally don't like doin these things but i'm bored & i jus feel like fillin it out.
butttt whyyyy do nthey make these things so long!?!????
[my name is]: Teila
[single or taken]: taken
[sex]: female
[bday]: january 27
[sign]: aquarius
[siblings]: 2 younger brothers
[hair color]: off black with brown highlites (extensions)
[eye color]: brown
[height]: 5'7"
[in the morning i am]: lazy
[love is]: a mind fuck- no wait. love is amazing - relationships are a mind fuck
-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
[what do you notice first?]: face, clothes, height etc..
[what makes you smile]: people makin me laugh
[who gives you a funny feeling when you see them] i've gotta say Patrick or he won't b happy. haha
-W H O-
[is easiest to talk to]: Eva
[do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?]: yep
-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-
[you talked to on the phone]: Patrick (at like 2am)
[you instant messaged]: err...dunno its out of Joseph, Tab, Neil or Onur
[you laughed with]: Patrick
-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[could you live without the computer?]: hell no
[what's your favorite food?]: thai
[whats your favorite fruit?]: cantaloupe melon
[what hurts the most?]: i imagine gettin shot, stabbed or run over must be the worst pain
[trust others way too easily?]: yeh
-N U M B E R-
[of hearts i have broken?]: one
[of tight friends?]: a few
[of cd's that i own?]: quite a few (i threw sum old 1s out recently- i neva listen to them anymore)
[of scars on my body?]: 1 on my leg (by a car) & a few on my left arm (my uncles cat)
[of things in my past that i regret?]: erm...my education (my guardians fucked it up)
[i know]: bullshit. seriously..i know a bunch of crap
[i want]: security (& loads of material things haha)
[i have]: my independance
[i wish]: wishin doesn't get you anywhere
[i hate]: peas (they're the devils food i swear!)
[i miss]: my cat Fanta
[i fear]: losin my job - ending up homeless - having what i think would b a bad future
[i hear]: music (hoodie remix - i had to download it for Patrick & i've ended up luvin it)
[i love]: lyin on a nice beach with good company & fantastic weather
[i care]: about my 2 brothers & Patrick (& my friends but in a different way)
[i always]: errr....shower!? hahaha
[i cry]: sometimes. i cried a hellva alot on sunday (*ahem* Patrick)
f a s h i o n | s t u f f
[where is your favorite place to shop]: high street
[any tattoos or piercings]: 2 tattoos. ears, tongue & navel pierced
[what kind of shampoo do you use?]: Salon Professional Wella Repair Shampoo. i use the matchin conditioner & the matchin hair treatment. workin in a hairdressers we hafta look after our hair more than most people do.
[Where do you want to get married?]: that chapter of my life is yet to come but i would like to get married in the summer
[how many buddies are online right now?]: i logged out of msn & aim over an hour ago
f a v o r i t e s
[color]: purple & blue (more purple tho)
[subjects in school]: erm. music
[animals]: cats. & dogs but i fuckin LOVE cats
[sports]: swimming, netball, tennis, volleyball, track
h a v e | y o u | e v e r
[given anyone a bath?]: my little brother (& my other brother when he was younger. haha)
[bungee jumped?]: yeh. my heart was in my throat on the way down. hahaha
[made yourself throw up?]: i'm physically unable to do that.
[skinny dipped?]: no.
[ever been in love?]: yeh. i know on saturday i got drunk & said i wasn't but i had been.
[made yourself cry to get out of trouble?]: i guess hav done before..but i'm (hopefully) wiser now
[pictured your crush naked?]: erm. crush? erm. i don't hav a real life crush. celeb crush...fuck yeh.
[actually seen your crush naked?]: as i said. no real life crush. celeb crush...i used to hav an american friend in the industry & he sent me a naked pic of Eminem. it was wierd....duno where it came from..if it was real..but it was hella nice.
[cried when someone died?]: yeh. my momma
[lied]: hell yeh
[fallen for your best friend?]: no.
[been rejected?]: in wat way? in askin for things..yes. in askin a guy out. no. haha
[rejected someone]: fuck yeh.
[done something you regret?]: rite this min i can't think of anythin i hav actually done...but if i had a long think i guess i could come up with something.
c u r r e n t
[clothes]: my legendary brown denim mini skirt..black top..black diamante shoes (no i'm not goin out. lol)
[music]: mariah carey - don't forget about us. (don't laugh! i LUV mariah!!)
[make-up]: rimmel eyeliner. boots eyeshadow. MAC lipgloss (mix cheap wit expensive)
[annoyance]: wen ppl talk rudely to me wen they hav no cause to
[smell]: Jovan musk (my 'sexy' scent so i've been told MANY times. haha)
[favorite artist]: eminem. mariah carey (so that superman remix with mariah makes me very happy. hahahha. thanks 2 Patrick for sendin it 2 me)
[desktop picture]: Sony Vaio - i've never changed it since i got my laptop
[cd in player]: Stash Production mix cd (Ollie gave it to me on Tuesday - he normally sells it so woot woot!)
l a s t | p e r s o n
[you touched]: Sima - her hair
[hugged]: Patrick..on tuesday
[you imed]: errr....no idea. Neil or Onur i guess.
[you yelled at]: Patrick wen we had a BAD argument on Saturday
[you kissed]: Patrick. aahh all this talk is makin me miss him already. he mite come pick me up 2moro! *fingers crossed*
a r e | y o u
[understanding]: i try to be. ppl come to me wit there problems so i guess so. (that mite mean i'm jus a gud listener tho)
[open-minded]: on most things...not everything
[arrogant]: i hope not
[insecure]: fuck yeh!!!
[interesting]: i can be. other ppl shud be answerin these sorta questions
[random]: yeh. i was worse wen i was younger
[smart] : hell no!! every1 knows i'm an airhead
[moody]: yeh wen i don't hav a cigarette
[working]: yes i am. i'm on my 2 week break atm.
[organized]: i try to be. sometimes it works. sometimes not
[healthy]: wen i want to be. but atm. FUCK NO
[shy]: yeh sometimes
[Difficult]: can be
[attractive]: to some ppl...not too others. argh i duno u tell me
[bored easily]: sometimes
[messy]: i mess up my room tooooo easily
[responsible]: to a certain degree
[obsessed] ermm.. with my appearance
[angry]: quite often wen i'm workin.
[sad]: quite a bit. i swear it not healthy the amount of times i'm sad
[happy]: i hav happy days..not often tho.
w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
[coke or pepsi]: coke (i used to prefer pepsi but not anymore)
[flowers or candy]: flowers. roses please. any colour (Patrick said he'd get me flowersss...i've recieved none as of yet)
[tall or short]: tall
d o | y o u | e v e r
[want someone special to im you?]: yeh sure. Patrick & Tab. i get sooo fuckin excited wen Tab comes online. hahaha
[save conversations?]: ms saves them automatically.
[wish you were a member of the opposite sex?]: hell no
[wish you were younger]: no
[cried because someone said something to you?]: yeh. Patrick saturday & sunday
N u m b e r
[of guys ive kissed]: errr...u seriously expect me to remember!?
[of girls ive kissed]: err...2 or 3 (THEY hav kissed ME not the other way round)
[of continents i have lived in]: 2
F i n a l | q u e s t i o n s
[do you like filling these out?]: not really. i sumtime get the urge tho
[gold or silver]: i like both but currently wearin gold. suits my skin colour beta
[what was the last film you saw at the movies?]: oh shit. nooooo idea. toooo long ago. was ment to be goin cinema on friday wit Patrick but it fell thru
[favorite cartoon/anime]: simpsons, futrama, family guy, king of the hill
[what did you have for breakfast this morning]: i don't hav breakfast
[who would you love being locked in a room with]: someone funny. or Patrick so we cud make out
[habla espanol]: wat?? i don't speak spanish. talk to Enrique or Karina
[how many people are on your buddy list]: no idea.
[like watching sunrises or sunsets]: sunsets.