Love is a boat..

Jun 05, 2004 17:36

Today, while talking about our relationship, I compared my relationship with ruine_ to a dinghy. There's a storm coming in the next few weeks, but like all storms, while it might throw the boat around - it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the boat itself. The problems are external.

When I think of ruine_ and I in a boat, I think about the Wayfarer dinghy that we sailed last summer (and hope to sail again soon). Wayfarers are solid, reliable boats - it's very hard to capsize one, but if you do - it takes both of you working together to get it back upright.

When we sail the Wayfarer, ruine_ usually prefers me to take the helm - and I'm comfortable there. I choose the course, set the main-sail, and steer. She looks ahead for danger, sets the jib sail, balances the boat, and generally gives me her advice and opinion on where and how to sail. In the end, though, the choice is mine.

You could just about sail a Wayfarer alone, but it would be very hard work. It's really a boat for two sailors. It's a small boat, quite fast, despite its stability - but quite capable of going anywhere, doing anything you want it to do. In a storm, you'd much rather be in a port than out at sea, but if the storm hits, and you work together, you can ride it out. In the worst case, you throw down an anchor, and wait it out.

There is room for another two people in a Wayfarer. And it can be a great, fun experience sailing in good weather with three or four. When it's rough, the extra people can really pull their weight and help balance the boat, too. But sometimes, they can get in the way and you'd just wish there were the two of you again - balancing boat, wind and water for the perfect sail.

When the storm hits, I'm not letting go the tiller. We'll steer the boat through the storm, and reach better weather on the other side. And my girl will be with me every moment.
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