Voting Rules

Aug 27, 2007 20:57

Voting here is done pretty much the same way as voting at other battle and LIMS communities. When voting, you are able to give elimination votes, favorite votes, and general votes.

Elimination votes are negative votes for icons you feel are not aesthetically pleasing or are, in your opinion, the worst of the lot. When you give an elimination vote, it has to be longer than 5 words and preferably should include some advice to help the iconist improve. For example, saying "The icon is too bright" is not as good as saying "Perhaps you could turn the contrast down a little". The latter also comes across as nicer and is generally more helpful.

Favorite votes are positive votes for icons you feel are deserving of the People's Choice award and are, in your opinion, the best of the lot. When you give a favorite vote, it doesn't really matter what you say and crits for favorite votes are optional. However, it would also be helpful to give a bit of advice or say why you thought their icon was likeable. For example, saying "I really liked your use of textures in this icon" instead of "OMG!! THIS ICON IS AWESOME!!". ;)

General votes are neutral votes for icons that you didn't feel deserved elimination or People's Choice, but that you still would like to give critiques for. The votes do not count for anything, but are always a great help to an aspiring iconmaker.

Each voting post will detail exactly how many elimination votes and favorite votes are needed, so make sure you read carefully. Also, it's important that you VOTE OFF THE RIGHT ICON. It's very easy to mistype "17" as "71", etc. Please double-check because we mods can't catch everything.

Voting will be weighted, so you will have to put your elimination and favorite votes in order by which ones you think are the best of the best or the worst of the worst. This will help to separate points and prevent ties.

When voting is closed, votes will be tallied and the icons will be ranked by how many votes each one has, as well as what priority the votes are. This ranking is used to determine point gain and point loss for that battle.

As a side not, it is in your best interest to vote every week, especially if you are a participant. Voting off an icon might save your own, for example. This isn't to say that you should cheat and get a bunch of people to fave your icon, etc., but it's just something to keep in mind.

voting rules

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