so I went on a small hike today
okay well I am trying to get off my butt and do things cause I am kinda out of shape and sitting here playing video games is not helping out ..
so 2 days ago a friend of mine was talking about this hike he went on so I researched it and found what I thought was the
best way to do it .. mind you I have not been on a hike for about 2 years and very out of shape
I drove out past ramona and parked by the trail and went on my way .... about a half mile or so down the trail I look out and see that its a bit farther than I had expected so I decide that I will just go as far as I can handle and probably head back if I needed too
I took some pics along the way I took a pic of how far I had walked ... in the pic the top of the mountain on the right is where I started at more pics looking back at where I started .... about an hour or so of walking all downhill (i started near that black bump
on top of the mountain all the way back there almost there I come around the side of this mountain and I find what I am looking for I finnaly get there and find that there are other people there but
the place is so nice and it seems like a place I would not mind hiking to again
took some random pics downriver notice the person standing at the top of the waterfall my hike back was all uphill took me a couple of hours to get back and had to rest alot ... reminder I am out of shape
but I found a little creature on the way back I let him go but I am tired now and I really need to just relax
but it was worth the exersize