Oh Noes Another Dump!!1!

Jul 03, 2011 23:05

Alright guys time for another artslam dump! Be warned many large images and LOTS of text. Walls of it!

Just some doodles... XD

Fanart for mira_silverpaw for Fanart Friday.

He looks kinda miffed. It's a sky/valley hybrid and he was going to be doing magic but then I realized that being a halfbreed he can't... :/

The Air Elemental!....or not.... >.>

Another crappy doodle...

I was trying to decide how I wanted the Air Elemental to look... I didn't like any of these.

Daaaw isn't it cute?! >.>

Another potential Air concept. I didn't mind this one!

This one scared me...

Uhm no....


There we go! So this is how I decided I want Air to look...the only change will probably be making the 'wings' transparent instead of glowy... XD It's kinda futuristic but I like it anyway!

Nope this is a fail Water Elemental head...

More crap...go go Fire!

All God....>.> He'll come to play in a moment!

Fail All God. Ignore him.

The following is copied from Art Slam.

Okay so here we go! I promised a few days ago to go into my new figured out Elemental system and so I shall! Oddly enough this came to me a few days ago while driving and I was like, "Duh, why didn't I think of this sooner?!" Since then I've been pondering it and rehashing it to make sure it works for this particular world it does! So let's begin our Elemental lesson!

This started out long long ago...well sort of. See Tryne compared to Earth is a new and budding planet, merely a few million years old or so. How Tryne started is unlike Earth and this is where the All God (name pending... XD) comes in.

No one knows where the All God came from, not even the All God itself. Note I may accidentally refer to the All God as he but like all the Elementals it's androgynous. Anyway so the All God who was fairly young itself was touring the galaxy trying to figure out it's purpose in existence. The All God rarely bothered with physical form and instead was a.... being. No body was necessary for it's adventures (and apparently quite a few were had!) and so physical space was not a bother so it could go where ever it wished with mere thought.

A time came though where it began to grow bored with it's wanderings and decided to take part in what he had seen other gods and goddesses do (another story perhaps?! :O) and that was create life. Alas poor All God had no clue on how to go about this but slowly it grew more and more adept at creating worlds. After many attempts it learned the golden zone between sun and planet, of the need for moons and other planets. It learned the orbits needed, the angle of the planet and even what kind of cores the planets needed. Once it had this down pat he started to attempt life. This he found to be even more difficult than creating planets. It seemed that so many types of life could exist that he didn't know where to even start and so he decided to once again roam the galaxy to see what he could find.

On its tour it found everything from living rocks (boooring it thought) to sentient plant-like life. It even found life that it never would have thought could have form, such as liquid life and creatures made up of gases and metals. All God found creatures with no sensory organs, many sensory organs, no limbs, many limbs, everything it could possible come up with in his imagination. One day though it happened upon a planet that was in the middle of it's evolutionary cycle. Curious about this blue and green planet All God decided to descend and see if life existed upon this small rock. As he closed in he became aware another set of gods near the planet but also sensed that they were deep in hibernation and had perhaps been that way for millennia. Feeling reassured it decided to take a closer look. Upon seeing the planet All God became awed at what it saw. Everything from creatures in the oceans to creatures in the air and many many things on the land. Amazed it found itself roaming the planet and studying the many creatures that inhabited it.

There was one creature that drew it the most though was one...a creature of beauty and grace. This creature, of course, was of the feline persuasion. All God was beyond adoration for this creature with it's hidden claws, sensuous body, beautiful tail, and everything else. Alas one thing did bring disappointment and that was the creatures lack of intelligence and inability to speak. Still it stayed upon this planet for many years studying the creatures, the various kinds, the sizes and colors, and their habitats.

Finally All God grew confident and returned to it's own planet to begin again. The planet was still there, sitting in space awaiting All Gods return. It's core had been active while All God was away and so the planet was ready for development. First came the atmosphere which allowed life to exist upon the planet. Water was created next to allow more variations for life. Slowly the planet became ready to allow life. Plant life came first and as All God grew more confident it began on living creatures. Microbes then bacteria then multi-celled organisms and after a time the more complicated life began to appear. Small creatures first but as All God built upon that larger and larger animals came into being.

One day All God realized he was ready to create the one creature he had been waiting forever to make. As it had populated the world with life and the food chain had begun All God deemed it time. Slowly as to not make a mistake the creature came into being. Four long legs, a long prehensile tail, a cat-like face and body. When finished All God stared at his creation and was proud. Before him sat what would become known as the mystic kaasht in all it's glory. Upon inspection though All God realized he had not given it a gender and as he did not want them to be infertile he made his first one female. Proud of himself All God then created a male, this time features that would distinguish the two sexes being made apparent.

With a nod of it's head he decided it was time to give this creature life. Slowly All God breathed upon them and as he did so their chests began to move, their eyes opened, and it was then it is said that the world inherited it color. Colors washed upon the kaasht and it was then that All God realized that color had not truly been apart of the world until now. Sighing in relief of this mistake made right All God watched the creatures he had dreamed up begin to move. This all came crashing down when he realized that the eyes of the kaasht were lifeless. Distressed All God began to scan the creatures to figure out what he had done wrong when he suddenly smiled. Of course, he had forgotten to give the creatures a soul, a mark that made them higher than the creatures they would eat. Once again All God breathed upon the creatures and suddenly a light seemed to come on in their eyes and they began to stare. No words were made as they didn't exist but All God knew that it had created it's first sentient species.

Unknown to All God though was that another dual god had followed him to Tryne and had kept a close eye upon All Gods creations and was pondering on doing much the same thing.

Time went by and the first kaasht began to multiply. All God created many different mystic kaasht societies all over Tryne so allow for multiple populations and then he sat back watch. Slowly culture advanced on Tryne, primitive tools, primitive cities, even primitive culture. At every road block All God would step in and help his creatures advance both in intelligence and ingenuity. Thousands of years passed and mystic kaasht had populated the world. All God was pleased with it's decision and would often walk among his creations, drawing admiration, praise, and worship. All God took this all in stride but one day it all ended.

I bet you think this has to do with the god that followed him! Ha you're wrong! :P

Anyway. More time passed and the kaasht began to grow belligerent, demanding All Gods attention all the time and for every little thing. Slowly their attitudes turned from worship to ownership and eventually it was decided that they needed All Gods power for their own. A plan was concocted to capture All God and make it so that he would do as their wished. They lured All God in, who was tired and weak from all demands and proceeded to trap him. Unbeknownst to the kaasht All God did not need a physical form and easily escaped and grew angry at his creations selfishness.

Justice and revenge came quickly. The entire city where they had tried to trap All God was decimated and all the kaasht in the area killed. Many kaasht found themselves fleeing for their lives for their selfish wants and many were killed. Once finished with his rampage, All God drew away from the planet and wept. A mere few thousand of the kaasht lived and they had scattered all over planet in fear and to hide.

Disgusted with himself, All God decided that he no longer had the power or the will to do this alone. All God being a god of all things decided that it was time to let go of it's greater powers and divide them among less powerful and more specialized beings than himself. And so it was done.

From his powers came eight Elementals and a lesser version of All God that was now Spirit. These Elementals were Water, Air, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, as well as the duality Elementals of Light and Dark and Life and Death. Unlike the others Life/Death and Light/Dark cannot truly separate as one cannot exist without the other and so they share personalities. This can create quite...interesting...situations. Along with this splitting each Elemental seemed to grow a personality that not only befitted their element but different from the All Gods.

Alas All God was not perfect in his splitting and all of the Elementals had a small aptitude for other elements. But this comes later. XD

Before leaving Spirit, the once All God, gave his new selves a new purpose and that was to create new kaasht. Each Elemental was to pick a kaasht from the ones that were left and to shape them as they saw fit. With that order in mind the Elementals split to do with their kaasht what they would.

Spirit, bereft of his full being decided to return to the planet and seek out a desolate area and remain there. Although saddened and depressed each new sentient creature received a soul and when they died their souls returned to him. As Spirit lay there he felt a new presence come near him. Annoyed Spirit looked up to see another god but not one of his former self. Amazed and somewhat frightened he asked the god what he wished. To his surprise the new god wished to reside on Spirit's planet as well as create a species of kaasht and another species as well. To this Spirit agreed as he no longer had the power to drive off another god and so this new god disappeared, but not without revealing what he he was a dual god of and Time and Space joined the planet.

Time passed and Spirit stayed in his desert. All around him new kaasht came into being and with this he felt something else. These Elementals, these new parts of himself, were giving some of their powers to their creations! Disturbed Spirit went to look for the version of himself that controlled the air. Finding her (androgynous remember!) he asked her why she was allowing her creation to partake in her power.

Amused she showed Spirit and he watched in amazement as her new creations began to fly using her ability to mold the air. She then began to explain that they had been given some of her power to allow them to feel as if they are a part of her and that they were able to do whatever they needed themselves. As Spirit watched though he saw that some were more powerful than others and the worry returned and Air once again explained that they would have to sort it out for themselves as once they were fully taught as shown she would fade from their lives and only return rarely to remind them of her. It was only later that Spirit found out that she had made a pact with her chosen kaasht and that no kaasht need fear death from above from the children of Air.

Time passed and eventually all Elementals found a kaasht to create, including Spirit. Even the new gods, Time and Space had created new creatures. Time created the tiny isle kaasht while Space created the element-immune minen. There eventually came a time where some of the Elementals grew bored or began to feel pity for kaasht groups who did not get an Elemental to watch over them. And so the side Elementals were created.

These Elementals are not actually new Elementals at all but are instead a single Elemental using their small amounts of other powers to appear to be a new Elemental. Instead most of them are Water (she's a jealous covetous bitch) and so Poison/Gas was made by using her small ability to Death and created the marsh kaasht. At the same time she saw that the kaasht in the cold tundras of the world were alone and so used her small ability with Air to create the tundra kaasht and the Ice Elemental. To this day she is mighty proud of herself. By the the same default Air saw the poor valley kaasht all alone and used her small abilities with Water to create Weather. Light one day found an offshoot of the original mystic kaasht but unable to stand their appearance used her Air ability to create the Color Elemental and the lunar kaasht.

And now to this day there are fourteen kinds of kaasht, seven Elementals, and three pairs of dual Elementals. The Elementals rarely visit Tryne anymore and have pretty much decided to go on to new and exciting things. Air comes back often though as she has always had a good relationship with her sky kaasht and Spirit loves his desert kaasht as much if not more than he did the mystic kaasht when he was All God. Life/Death often hang around as well as it pleases them to make new life and take a tortured dying life away.

All in all the Elementals on Tryne are special and need lots of special help. >.>

I told you there was a wall of text!

art, artslam

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