photodump, my lovelies.
so I watched Juno the other day. It's an adorable movie, and I really just liked the way that Juno was a huge shitass and waddled about all preggo. I'm just tired of the end of movies always ending up romantic and beautiful, with some sort of message. I also hate the end track by The Moldy Peaches.
Sup@MUCC ending up on the Cloverfield soundtrack? And apparently there's some shit on the Saw IV soundtrack?
I love you, Japanese Music Industry and your imperialising. Hell, I love you, Japan. If your imperialising totally failed back in the 1930s, you certainly have no qualms attacking America where it hurts most, in the youth, in the balls of the entertainment business! And the best part is, no one is doing a fucking thing to stop them.
Speaking of Imperialism, my latest DBQ is from 1994, and... Well, it's complicated, basically. It's asking, how has the US continued imperialism from Jamestown to 1914, and if it ever strayed off the path of America or if the nation has always been into expansion.
DBQ's are basically, AP kids way of describing exactly WHAT torture in hell feels like. You have to know 50 t0 200 items pertaining to the essay and write down a quick brainstorm in about the span of 3 minutes. Trying to organize the essay takes another 5 minutes, assuming you're really efficient at piecing things together. You've already killed 8 minutes out of the 45 that's alotted. I'm pretty sure those evil bastards want everything hand written, too- Enjoy your carpal tunnel, kids!
Anyway, I've got a shitload of homework to get done again... Chelsey had me compose a halfass interview for the soccer team making it to State Championships, its due monday....