(no subject)

Jan 26, 2007 17:06

Once again the Oscars approach and once again I have failed in my quest to see each of the five Best Picture nominees. Sure, I have time to do so, but as always there's at least one picture that I just don't feel like seeing. I'll admit that this year that antipathy isn't as strong as usual, but I still don't see myself getting around to seeing Babel. Or Little Miss Sunshine. Or, probably, The Queen.

So, my year end movie review is as awlays going to be incomplete and slanted. Well, that's life.

Best Pictures of 2006

1. Pan's Labyrinth
2. Letters From Iwo Jima
3. An Inconvenient Truth
4. The Departed
5. Borat
6. Children of Men
7. Casino Royale

I saw another 15-20 films in the theatre this year, but none of them deserve to be on a top films list, so I am stopping at 7. Many of the movies I saw this year were entertaining enough for me not to get angry about spending my money but otherwise were forgettable. There were some other films that I enjoyed, but again, I don't think they stand out enough to be recognized here.


Those of you who have been reading my blog for an extended period will understand how happy I am to say that the Indianapolis Colts defeated the New England Patriots in the AFC Championship game last Sunday and are now going to the Super Bowl. This will be their first Super Bowl appearance since 1971, and therefore their first Super Bowl appearance in my lifetime. Here's hoping.


Lastly and most importantly, I cannot stress enough how much of a value deprived stuffed shirt former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is. He has been gaining traction in the polls and with pundits regarding his bid for the Presidency in 2008 and I want to make it very clear to everyone whomight be reading this in other parts of the country: this guy is a complete joke. He stands for abosultely nothing other than his desire to have power. The truly insidious thing is that he does not desire this power out of a need to implement any deeply felt beliefs -- he wants power simply to have it. I have not seen any evidence that he truly believes in or cares for anything. Allowing Mitt Romney to be elected President would be inviting corruption and pandering, as I have no doubt that he would alter his positions at will in order to back whatever interest group he believes can further solidify his power; and will do nothing to risk alienating those he may be beholden to. He is a faceless tabla rasa waiting for the American people to project onto him their values so he can reflect them back like a mirror and thereby fool the populace into believing he shares their goals.

He does not.
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