..That actually makes me... really excited about the whole alt-timeline thing. I wonder how we'll abbreviate it, though... TOS-II? The New Series? The TOS Reboot?
I lurrrrved it! I saw it with almost my entire family, who were visiting for the weekend, plus the boyfriend (who is a bigger geek than me). The whole time, my mom was going "BUT SPOCK'S MOTHER DOESN'T DIE" and i'm like stfu its an alt-timeline.
What did I love? More like what didn't I love? It was fantastic, every casting was spot on. Much love for Quinto and Urban; Quinto was just so perfect showing the emotions just barely beneath the surface, it was so tense yet so...ALMOST THERE, and Urban made me want to cuddle McCoy all over. PERFECT
We're going to go see it in the MosiMax in Tampa when it gets there. It will be awesome, because MosiMax is a GIANT DOME IMAX. Woo!
Also, Paramount signed on for two sequels before the movie even came out...I can't wait.
Comments 3
..That actually makes me... really excited about the whole alt-timeline thing. I wonder how we'll abbreviate it, though... TOS-II? The New Series? The TOS Reboot?
The second time? David came with me. And he enjoyed it. Which to me is a huge deal, because David doesn't like sci-fi.
What did I love? More like what didn't I love? It was fantastic, every casting was spot on. Much love for Quinto and Urban; Quinto was just so perfect showing the emotions just barely beneath the surface, it was so tense yet so...ALMOST THERE, and Urban made me want to cuddle McCoy all over. PERFECT
We're going to go see it in the MosiMax in Tampa when it gets there. It will be awesome, because MosiMax is a GIANT DOME IMAX. Woo!
Also, Paramount signed on for two sequels before the movie even came out...I can't wait.
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