Okay. So I have Battlestar thoughts.
Two questions.
1. When were the Cylons created?
2. Why did the 13th colony split from the other 12?
If the answer to number one is before the colonists began migration, then it's possible that the thirteenth colony split due to a disagreement about the creation of Cylons. Maybe the 13th were Luddites and felt that humanity had taken technology too far. Or maybe they thought that the Cylons were dangerous, that it was against God's will to create a race of slaves to do the work of humanity.
This means that the 13ths left a poisoned beacon to prevent the Cylons from finding them. Because they feared the Cylons, they were concerned that the Cylons would turn and attack humanity. Or maybe they just didn't want their tech-heavy brethern looking them up and borrowing a cup of sugar.
If all this is happening now, in the 21st century, that would explain why we (the descendants of the 13th) are so technologically behind the other twelve colonies. The 13ths land on earth, destroy all the high end tech and reverts back to their roots. Of course if this is happening in the future, the tech element is a red herring. But it's a neat idea.
Of course if the colonists split way the hell before the Cylons were created, then my theory goes all the hell out the window. But, why would they have left a booby-trapped beacon? Or was it even booby-trapped? Was it just an accident of nature that the technology of the ancients is toxic to the Cylons? Or was it truly an act of God to test the faith of the Cylons?
Who the fuck knows? But this damn show has got me again. The trouble with viruses is they are too much like locusts. You just can't reason with them. And sadly I fear for my little Sharon/Athena girl.