Indeed it has. I've.. Really got no excuse besides "I haven't felt like posting/been putting it off". Sue me. So, let's see..
6/26 I graduated. Whee. The graduation was outside and hot as all bloody HELL. I came home and just cranked the AC all night.
My grades(finals and otherwise), for those curious.
Class: Finals Grade, Total Grade)
Honors English 4: C-, B
AP World History: A-, C-
Pre-AP Psychology: A+, A-
Latin 4: C-, D-
Physical Education: A, A+ (Yes, we have mid-terms/finals for P.E. Meh.)
Not great, but eh. I'll take 'em! :P
I'm going to Stony Brook in Long Island for college.. Pretty good school, I was surprised I got in. Actually, of the three colleges I applied to, they ALL accepted me (O_o), despite two of them I didn't even quite meet the requirements for.. Stony Brook was the first to accept me and they actually CALLED. Guess my essay was that good?
I guess I just never mentioned this..
As many of you may know, my father was in the Vietnam war, and one of the first people to go in with Agent Orange.. Back when they gave you nothing but a handkerchief.
During the start of Senior yearish (like.. October/November/around there), my dad was bringing a tv up a flight of stairs for a customer he doesn't particularly like, and gets chest pains. He goes to the doctor and, after some followups, finds some stuff out.
1. His arteries are horridly clogged.
2. He's got a cancerous tumor on his liver.
3. The type of cancer usually kills very shortly after it's discovered.
Long story short, he was very very lucky that he found it on a whim (doing a job for someone he doesn't like ironically)... The type he was subject to is only even MENTIONED in six books throughout the entire Yale Library (Yale University.. Their medical library is HUUUUGE). O_o
Between then and like, May, he had 3 surgeries (he never had had one before and was very afraid but, eventually, he coped with it).
It was all a very long and annoying time.. He can't have an MRI(I think?) because he has shrapnel in his body (it'd rip it right out of him, ow), my mother was hysterical, etc.
Either way, now, he's fine mostly. They took out part of his liver and, by sheer luck, it managed to prevent the cancer from spreading because they caught it very early. He's also got a heart condition and is taking some medication (though it's temporary I believe). Both he and my mother are quitting smoking (they both intend to stop by Labor Day.. My dad dropped from 2 packs a day to like 6, and he has maybe a third of one before he gets sick of it), all three of us changed our diets (my dad last somewhere from 30-50 pounds, I lost quite a bit too :P)... He takes it easy when he works (he's a landscaper; used to go anywhere from 8-14 hours a day non stop) now and he's exercising a lot. Hehe.
To be honest.. Between my dad's condition and my paranoia, I stayed home to keep an eye on him for most of the 2nd and 3rd marking period. My mother leaves for work around 9, and I didn't feel like arguing with her (she obsesses over attendance.. I can see why, but it's true just the same), so I just hid in the basement until she left every day. :P
When you spend 5/7 days a week in a dark room listening to music/the radio and thinking for anywhere from 1 to 3 hours, well... You learn a lot. :P Mostly about yourself, and things around you. Or, at least I did.
I came to a lot of realizations, I've learned a lot about how things work..
A lot of people say I'm soft, or too nice, or what have you now.. Maybe I am. But you know what? I'd rather be a little weak and have people walk over me, than cause people pain. Sue me.
It's hard to explain.. I don't know. /shrug
I'm a "changed man"? Heh. Weird how the simple stuff sets off the biggest reaction.
Oh.. And youtube/google/what have you Jonathan Coulton. Independent artist who writes some pretty amusing/interesting stuff... Plus, he advertises by word of mouth/etc, so downloading his stuff isn't illegal or anything; his "label" promotes it. Worth a look at the least.
P.S. Before anyone asks/says anything...
No, I am not alone any more. And no, I'm not expanding any more than that. :P