OMG an update

Mar 05, 2009 14:25

Finally found the time to sit my ass down and do one. :P

First off, my dad is doing great and the experimental treatment they gave him has been all kinds of successful. A viral load is, in most cases, the amount of RNA copies in a millimeter of blood. My dad's viral load month by month:

7 Million (start)
17 Million (1st month, we paniced)

In the past few months it's dropped into single digits, which means the chance of the cancer recurring is almost nonexistent. It is so comforting to know that, at least as his health is concerned, he's doing great. I almost considered not going to college/putting it off for a few years because I didn't want to be too far away if something went wrong. This is a huge load off the shoulders in the back of my head. :)

I just finished my first month of the semester (Jan 26th-May 20ish)... 2nd semester of my Sophomore year. Scary to think I've already been in college almost two years. Yeesh.

My classes this semester are pretty rough, 'cause I'm covering DECs (Diversified Education Curriculum... IE we have to take 1-2 of every type of class to graduate, to make us more well-rounded lol). In particular my Japanese Buddhism class and Light/Color/Vision are very very hard. :P JB because our teacher is a religious scholar (she's got a gd wiki article because she's written so many books about world religions) and drops into jargon a *lot* (plus we're having to learn two different forms of Buddhism), and LCV because Physics involves formulas and I suck at memorizing stuff. I'm also taking Calc to fill my pre-req for my major (Economics :P), Theatre (which I'm actually enjoying a lot), and Existentialism (I'm going to go for a Philosophy minor I think). Had mid-terms (they call them that but they're large tests and you have one a month usually) but Buddhism in the past week. In particular, I just came back from my Physics, which pretty much handed me my ass on a very very shiny platter... I'll be amazed if I got a 20 (4 questions, 20/20/30/30 points each). Heh.

Thanks to the 360 I got this past Christmas (yay gifts?) and my suitemate's addiction to DOTA (type of game for Warcraft 3, RTS-ish) I'm back into gaming... And holy crap was it a good time; there are a good 15-20 games I'm really really looking forward to playing that have come out in the past few years/are coming out this year.

So... Yeah. There's my update in all of it's anti-climactic glory. :P I feel like I'm missing something, hah.
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