Title: Absolution
Characters: Lincoln Lee, Altlivia Dunham.
Rating: G
Warning: Spoilers up to 3x18, Bloodline.
Summary: Written for
mollivanders at Five Acts. Lincoln apologises to Altlivia for his declaration of love and for not realising she'd been switched with Olivia.
It wasn’t what she needed right now, Lincoln knew. God knew, Liv had enough on her mind at the moment. She’d barely had chance to get used to the idea of being pregnant, and now here she was, having to get her head around being a mother. And the whole thing with the tests for VPE had to have stirred up all the old memories of when her sister Rachel was diagnosed, of how both sisters had kept on hoping that Rachel and her baby were going to be among the handful of cases that survived it. Not to mention the breakup with Frank that was still so recent.
Olivia needed his support right now. She needed Lincoln to be there for her as a friend. And what had Lincoln done? He’d dumped more crap on her by telling her he loved her. Just what she didn’t need to deal with. And Charlie had been no help - his remark about how she probably knew anyway since the rest of the division did, although that was most likely true, didn’t make him feel any better.
Lincoln sat beside her bed and watched as she slept, as Marilyn walked up and down outside with the baby.
“Hey, Liv,” he whispered, feeling relieved that she couldn’t hear him. “I’m sorry about what I said to you back there. You know. And I’m sorry about something else as well. I’m sorry that I never realised that that wasn’t you working with us back then. All that time, I should have known that something was off, I should have seen it. And I should have been there for you when you were getting used to being back.”
Olivia opened her eyes, smiled at him. And Lincoln knew that everything was going to be okay.