Title: I'll Always Be With You
Characters: Naomi, Regina. Mentions of Minkowski, Frank and Captain Gault.
Pairings: Naomi/Regina.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Mentions of character death, spoilers only for S4.
Summary: As Naomi prepares to depart for the island, Regina wonders how much she really knows about her girlfriend.
Naomi hadn’t been sure about the idea of Regina coming on this mission at first. “It’s a high-risk op in unstable territory,” she’d explained, saying something about how she didn’t want to put Regina in danger.
“But you’re happy to put yourself in danger,” Regina had pointed out. “Don’t you ever think about that when you go on your missions for Mr. Whitmore?”
“Widmore,” Naomi had corrected. “Look, I wouldn’t have time to spend with you anyway. Abaddon’s got me looking after these four people - there’s this one guy who’s got a drinking problem, another who reckons he has conversations with dead people, this anthropologist and this other guy with the memory of a goldfish…just the wrong type of people for a mission like this. I’ll be spending all my time babysitting this lot.”
“You didn’t answer the question, Naomi,” Regina pointed out.
Naomi’s eyes softened. “Of course I do,” she admitted. “I think about it often, especially with this one. The man that Mr. Widmore wants us to extract, Benjamin Linus, he‘s a very dangerous character. And this mission - to be honest, it sounds like madness. I mean, Abaddon says it isn‘t going to happen, but what if we actually find - ” She broke off. “Forget it.”
“No, what’s the matter?” Regina asked.
Naomi shook her head. “I really can’t tell you. It’s better for you if you don’t know. In fact, it’s better if I don’t talk to you any more about it. You really don’t know how dangerous this mission’s meant to be.”
“Then don’t go,” Regina pleaded. “Stay with me. Tell this Mr. Widmore person you‘ve had second thoughts.”
“You don’t say no to Mr. Widmore,” Naomi replied ominously. “Look, you know I’d rather be with you too.” She glanced down at the bracelet Regina had given her for their anniversary, with the inscription “N, I’ll always be with you. R.G.”, then pointed to it. “And I will be with you, just like you’ll always be with me.”
“I just can’t explain it, why I have such a weird feeling about letting you go on this one, when I never have before.” Regina knew she didn’t sound like herself, knew that Naomi had always loved her independence, but she also knew how much she disliked the idea of Naomi going on this particular mission without her. “Look, you said that this George person was looking for someone else to help out with communications.”
Naomi sighed. “Okay, I’ll talk to Mr. Widmore. But I can’t promise anything.”
But Regina smiled. She knew she’d be on that freighter with Naomi very soon.
“I still don’t understand why it has to be you that goes,” Regina whispered in Naomi’s ear as they lay in their bunk together the night before Naomi departed for the island. “Frank’s really keen to go first, you know what he said earlier. Stay with me a few days more, let him take the chopper out.”
“Because I need him to transport the science team,” Naomi replied, kissing Regina’s neck. “The mission Mr. Widmore’s trusted me with, going out there to find Linus, can’t be entrusted to him. Mr. Widmore needs me.”
They’d been through this, every night since they got here. Regina knew that no matter what she said, Naomi was always going to go. “It won’t be for long,” Naomi said now, as she’d said so many times before. “I just have to go in there, extract Linus, then bring him back here. I’ll be back with you before you know it.” She kissed Regina again, pulling her closer, fingers beginning to circle Regina’s thighs.
Then why do I feel like this is goodbye? Regina wondered, not daring to speak this thought aloud. Why was she wondering whether she would ever see Naomi again? Even as Naomi pulled Regina closer again, stroking her back, Regina began to wonder if she had ever really known this woman. She realised how much of herself Naomi had kept hidden the whole time they had been together. Frank’s talked about her as being distant, Miles told her how Naomi had recruited him with some story about talking to dead people which had seemed so at odds with everything Naomi had told her about the mission…every time someone commented that they didn’t know Naomi well, Regina had wanted to say that she was the only person who did, but now she wasn’t sure if that was even true.
Regina barely noticed when Frank pointed out to her that her book was upside down. Gault thought she had what he called cabin fever, or whatever the hell it was that had left Brandon dead and Minkowski gibbering about Ferris wheels. But he didn’t understand, none of them did.
Regina understood now why she hadn’t wanted Naomi to go to the island. She’d tried to dismiss it when Minkowski had come back saying Naomi had used the code; he hadn’t been making sense before that anyway, so it was possible that wasn’t true. But Naomi’s gone, Regina thought, she’s never coming back.
She remembered the taste of Naomi’s lips against her own, the feel of her skin. Regina had known every inch of Naomi’s body; but it was only now that she understood that there was so much about Naomi herself that she had never known, and would never know.