little translation from WinkUp 2010.5 News benri

Apr 08, 2010 23:39

This was just too hilarious i had to post it!
it's from NEWS 便り from Winkup 2010.05

Translations : (from top)

TEGO paintings of fellow members 3rd round's model is Ryo-chan. What is Ryo-chan's reaction?

Painting name : [ Nishikido Ryo ]

Tegoshi: The thing that Ryo-kun is holding is a guitar, there is some mistake about the guitar, but about the head, it's totally ok!

Ryo: What does those words say? Ahh. Guitar right? It really does look like it! The eyes and the nose and the mouth... Tegoshi, Arigatou! (Thanks!)

Ryo, aren't you excessively kind these days!! Tegoshi's drawing of you looks like a hairy monster!!!
and that guitar ><, Tegoshi...have you seen a guitar><
anyway, this is just too cute, and Ryo just can't get mad at Tegoshi ne. XDXD

tegoshi, translations, ryo

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