Title: Coincidence Chap 15/? Author: tellytelly Genre: friendship, romance Rating: PG + Pairing: Ryopi + members from KATTUN and some NEWS Summary: Ryo and Pi are finally together, is this a happily ever after?...
Poor Ryo-chan, he had worked so hard but still got yelled and also lost all his family photos because of his broken laptop T^T I'm wanna hug him as tight as possible. I wish Pi could cheer him up but Pi was too busy :(
Thanks for update *hug* and I miss NEWS too, a lot. I don't know when can we see 6 of them together T^T
Yayyy!!! an update... it's kind sad things between them didn't run so smoothly. Poor ryo... and why i started to dislike ueda? he's kind of really scary, hate him!!!
Hope you turbo-up and updated soon. I miss NEWS so much... T_T
Comments 16
look forward to your comment afterwards ^^
Thanks for update *hug* and I miss NEWS too, a lot. I don't know when can we see 6 of them together T^T
When can we see them together again .. Sigh
Thanks for reading and commenting(o^^o)!!
Nice fic n beautiful progress of story...I really like it ^^
Thank U 4 updated....Turbo ON *burst* XD
Yup, for the sake of u guys I'll write faster!
it's kind sad things between them didn't run so smoothly.
Poor ryo...
and why i started to dislike ueda? he's kind of really scary, hate him!!!
Hope you turbo-up and updated soon.
I miss NEWS so much... T_T
ya, ueda is supposed to be kinda scary here ... ^^ can't tell too much , pls read on
i really like the story, please update soon and make the chapter longer
ahh...actually this chapter is already longer than the previous ones.. >< maybe u felt it was short cos it was good?? LOL, me and my big ego.
but it's going sweetly in small steps ^^ be patient.
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