I was reading over on
Fark.com and they came up with a
funny story about the La Leche League doing a nurse-in at Victoria's Secret because a manager was not well trained and told a mother not to nurse in their store. Corporate issues an apology and the manager gets a stern talking too.
The sheer level of ignorance in the commentary got me to rant a little. Here's my little essay on the subject. )
Comments 11
Anyway, the point of this rambling comment is that I agree with you. :)
I'm very bothered by how hard they are pushing that trend. Frankly, breast-feeding is practical if you are with your baby all the time and not everyone can do that. Formula is a pretty good substitute. Women who go back to work really should bottle feed or supliment. I've spent over a year of my life with a baby on the teat at this point, there is just no way I could have done that if I had gone back to work.
New moms are often made to feel as if the medical industry is fault-finding. Post partum depression isn't just hormonal, the doctors can make it worse. My sister in law acted like her mommy card was going to get taken away when she didn't have enough milk. She still tries often and suppliments with formula for my neice, but part of that is because they get better benifits from WIC. Why does WIC even care?
I have to say -- I was a LLL leader for five years -- that no one in Northern Virginia has ever said boo to me about public breastfeeding. With my first, he was so cranky and needy we did it everywhere. I made him stop nursing in public when he was about 3 1/2, though, because I thought the effect was perplexing to people (what's that kid doing?). All I ever got was smiles from other moms. I can't figure out what bugs people so much, since you can't see any breast at all unless you are using a telescope.
I'm afraid my lj is usually pretty boring. I've been totally heads down in motherhood lately. My kids are the center of my world. I use lj to keep track of things since mommy brain set in. I used to have such a good memory, particularly in the short term. :)
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