Dear Yuletide Author,
Thank you so much for writing! I am very excited, and I hope you are too. Below are some entirely optional prompts for your consideration, contemplation, and inspiration, and a few things I love and hate.
I like: slash, femmeslash, het, and gen. This year's leaning more towards the gen, slash, and whatever's fine - WTF Evolution and Damn These Vampires I have no real opinions about, The Tricksters would preferably be gen, though I don't mind a bit of a romance on the side, and I'd really prefer for Philip Marlowe to be slash, if you choose to write it. I like family stories, stories with no easy answers, stories that are character studies, and long plotty stories. I am 200% fine with sexy, sexy fic as well, especially if it involves characters talking about their relationships and negotiating sex.
I dislike: non-con, watersports, scat, and humiliation. I can't read them. Humiliation includes secondhand embarrassment and use of the word slut: on the whole, I find dirty talk really unappealing, though if it's character-driven and non-shaming it's okay. Dub-con is okay-ish, I am much happier with it if both parties are dubiously consenting, in manner of sex pollen.
For the prompts:
WTF Evolution
I would like Evolution/Genetic Drift, and possibly Evolution with a deadline. Weird creatures! Drunken hijinks! Bad, bad choices! Bitterness and regret! Anything you choose to do is so totally 100% fine by me, you have no idea, go for it.
Damn These Vampires
This song makes me laugh every time I hear it. Take it literally, make it a dreadful horror story, take it metaphorically, let it be an allegory, as you will. Just, give me the narrator trying to escape whatever it is the vampires are.
Philip Marlowe
Okay, I totally accidentally nominated the wrong character for this one. I meant to say Eddie Mars and wrote Teddy Lennox instead. What I would really, really like, absolutely first, is a ridiculous PWP where Eddie Mars picks Marlowe up using the word 'soldier', as in the scene in The Big Sleep when Carmen, Marlowe, and Mars are in Geiger's house. Failing that, if Teddy is more your cup of tea, a missing scene, a postscript - they'll always meet again.
The Tricksters
What I'm craving for this one is Minerva-centric fic. I want a story from Minerva's POV about the events that took place between Teddy Carnival and their father. I want the mythology of Suriel and the rest of them, and I want Minerva building a life and getting away from the past. I would love to see her tell the story to one of her descendants, too.