Sometimes we have to make our own Good News Friday
Apr 26, 2013 11:07
Uhm, it's Friday
I've closed the job posting for my department because we have so many applicants
Tomorrow is free food and sword talkyday and I don't have to present. It also represents the end of some issues I've been having.
I have been promised sodium-filled, duck sauce slathered, deep-fried Chinese American food for supper (deep fried is so much naughtier when you spell it "deep friend")
It's been funny to hear the level of Spring fever on campus, I can't keep count of the number of sneezes and F-bombs around here lately. It makes me laugh at my desk.
I am happy that people younger than I am and "teh intarwebs" are calling "foul" on bullying, sexism and misogyny on actions I've experienced and was told "shake it off."
Yay for air filters
It's been so sunny that the solar-activated prism in my office has been making my office a disco.
People are excited that we are traveling to KY which makes me feel warm and welcome