There is a terrible lack of Rancid in my CD collection. I nearly bought ...and Out Come the Wolves on vinyl at Hot Topic last summer, but realized I hadn't plugged in my record player in almost a year so couldn't justify it.
I have to take my personal lap top most places I go, so the 1400 song editted highlights version travels with me.
Sure an iPod would be cheaper, but my lappy has all my stats I tend to need to have to hand.
But whatever you keep them on, don't go cheap on headsets. Get a proper set of cans, and certainly don't bother with those earhole sized speaker versions - as they are the worst kind for damaging your hearing.
Comments 4
Sure an iPod would be cheaper, but my lappy has all my stats I tend to need to have to hand.
But whatever you keep them on, don't go cheap on headsets. Get a proper set of cans, and certainly don't bother with those earhole sized speaker versions - as they are the worst kind for damaging your hearing.
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