A Retaliation List

Sep 10, 2006 01:14

This list is to balance out tweak23's list.

The fact that I had to put a fair amount of thought into this shows a little about how I've changed over the years I guess. Ten years ago I could have given you a list of 100 in the time it took me to find 10.

But here it is, my very own top ten sexymotherfuckers list.

Behind the cut due to pictures of pretty people )

pop culture, sexy, geek, johnny depp

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Comments 5

dragontail September 10 2006, 21:47:27 UTC
No Shakira anymore? Interesting... tastes do change, indeed.


tempest_mrc September 11 2006, 07:01:06 UTC
She'd probably make top 20... tastes may change, but I'm not blind!


doggypanter September 11 2006, 09:38:41 UTC
Yes, Yes, No, Yes, eh... Nah, No, No, (Yep),Yerrr, Yes.

Not sure if I want the "issues" that may follow doing my own version of this post...


a_mcf September 12 2006, 02:03:15 UTC
You could have picked a better pic of Katee Sackoff. She looks kind of gooberish in that photo.


tempest_mrc September 12 2006, 02:30:18 UTC
How about these? There aren't really that many good pictures of her out there... and besides, I wanted to emphasize the laugh.

... )


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