My sister's 30th birthday party

Dec 11, 2006 10:49

My sister, Dawn, turned 30 on Nov. 23. Right at the end of Sept, I asked my mom if she had anything planned. Of course she didn't. I told her, since it is my sister's 30th, we needed to have something. So mom called around to a few places to have her party at. We ended up going with the Edington House (it's located right near Street Road). The only date they had close enough to her birthday was the 26th. The worked out pretty well, almost everyone we invited could make it. I wasn't too thrilled with it being on a Sunday (rather having it on a Saturday) but it turned out great.

I should note on the side, my sister's boyfriend, John, has been wanting to propose to her. I even went out with him to help pick her ring. Well, it turned out he couldn't get the credit he needed to buy it at the time, so we didn't get it then. He went out a couple weeks later with his daughter and picked out something slightly cheaper, though I like it a lot more than the one we picked out. I don't have a picture of it, but it's a white gold band, with 3 square diamonds. The middle diamond is slightly bigger than the ones next to it. He let us all in on the fact that he planned on proposing to her at the party.

Ok, so, days coming up to the party, mom and I picked up things for her. We had gotten her a tiara that says 30 on it, a pin that says 30 and blinks, some beads that say 30 and "Why grown up". I bought my sister a shirt that says "I'm the good one, my sister's the brat" since she saw it and really wanted it (plus we always make jokes that she is the good one and I'm the bad one). We also bought a few decorations for the party, like a big 30 that people could sign and a big banner that says "Happy 30th Birthday" and other little things. We had given her most of the stuff on her actual birthday so she'd have it then, and also so she wouldn't wonder why she didn't get much of anything. (We ended up having John sneek some of the stuff out on the day of her party so she could wear it then too)

We were so afraid she'd find something, or someone would slip. Mom was also getting anxious because John and his kids like to take their good old time with things and she was afraid they'd be late for the party (everyone was to come at 12, sister was due at 12:30). To get her there, we had a friend of ours call and say they were having lunch with Santa there and to bring the kids. Everything worked according to plan. Sister had no idea. She got there on time and was surprised. Mom was relieved (you should see how many cigarets she smoked before hand).

So about an hour into the party, I see John go up to the DJ and get the mic. He starts with the sappy "How much I love this woman" speech. I look over, my mom is bawling because she knows what’s coming up. I walk over to her, and all of a sudden, I'm bawling along with her. I have no idea why the hell I was crying, but I told everyone it was because I couldn't get rid of John now (since we get along oh so well /sarcasm). People who saw I was actually crying couldn't believe it. I was surprised my sister hadn't cried the whole time. I would have sworn she would have cried when she came in, and again when he proposed, but she didn't either time. One of John's kids, Jennifer, went over and said something to my mom about being her grandmom, which I think my mom really appreciated. His other kid, Johnnie, came over and said I was going to be his step-sister now. I said "no, I'm your step-aunt" but he said he wanted me to be his step-sister. I told him he can call me whatever he wants. (I should note that Johnnie is a giant pain in the butt. I'm always "mean" to him but he seems to really like me haha.)

So the rest of the party went really well. Almost everyone who was invited came (sept one couple because one of them fell down and ended up going over to the hospital for stitches). I got to see my grandmom (who's looking good for her age (she's in her late 70s)), and my Uncle John and Aunt Joanie whom I haven't see in a few years. My sister says she had a really good time, and she's watched the video tape of her party a few times now (mostly to see the part where John proposes).

Looks like I'm going to have a new brother-in-law. I am going to be in my sister's wedding as the Maid of Honor. They set the date for Dec 1 of next year. Hopefully I'll have dropped a lot more weight by then (which I haven't updated in forever! I've lost 40 pounds all together ^^, though it would have been more if I didn't cheat x.x)
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